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Friday, December 21, 2012

End Of The World. Not.

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper.
                          -The Hollow Men, T.S Eliot (1925)

 Honestly? So the world ends with not a bang but a whimper? Today?

Anyone believe in Doomsday 2012? You know, the 21.12.2012 THING that has been a global scare for some time now?

Nothing captures the shared fear among humans as easily as a doomsday warning.


No, the world isn't ending. Which means I can continue my life, and realize all my dreams, avoid life's pitfalls, and basically surviving in the best modern way possible.

I don't want the world to end. Not now, not ever, not while I'm alive and kicking.

The internet is full of theories about how the world will end. In the form of meteor hits, collisions with strange planets, volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, giant solar storms, polar shifts, weird alignment of planets, total blackout of sun, even alien kidnappings...

And it all originates from the Mayan Calender where it ends on 21.12.12. So it's supposed to be an end/a new beginning of the world. Whatever it is, it's a BIG CHANGE, involving above-mentioned happenings and maybe all of them.

Mayan Calendar

Mayan people

It has terrified so many people that even NASA came out with an announcement that it has not seen anything strange and no one should worry about the apocalypse, at least not in the scientific angle. Do have some faith in NASA, people.

Even experts of the Mayan culture have come out to reassure the world that the end of the calender does not signify the end of the world, rather it is just a simple end of a simple calender and it will just continue to another counting of the days. It's like people counting in one breath and having to take a deep breath to continue counting. 

Even presidents and government officials have spoken to the press about not having to worry that the world will end and there is no need for panic, everything's under control, etc.

And believers of aliens who inhabit a planet far away (Zeta) and of the aliens warning us of polar shifts causing doomsday have also issued a correction on its earlier post about the doomsday on 21st.

"We will not give a time-line. We already admitted that our prior statement indicating that the passage was likely to occur prior to Dec 21, 2012 was a breach of that very rule (and thus the pole shift could occur after that date). Beyond this we cannot say. Could be any time. Watch for the signs, the beginning of the last weeks, as your clue. The last weeks will all occur within a single magnetic trimester. And the pole shift will occur at the end of a trimester, either the end of an April, the end of an August, or the end of a December."
"Our prior statements about the pole shift likely happening prior to 2012 must be taken in the context that we are not allowed to give you the date, so even this warning must be taken with a grain of salt."

Mhmm. So everything must be taken with LARGE grains of salt, until it really happens. And if it does, then it'll just end. No theatrics, no nothing like the 2012 movie last year.

If it ends, it ends.

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