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Monday, March 25, 2013

Proven: Sleepover Kills Butterflies For SPM Results

Sorry for not updating my blog for ages. =.= To post this I have to bluetooth numerous photos over to my phone (my phone not waterproof) and pick the best ones that are able to tell the story, as well as fill in the details by writing. Sorry for rusty English btw. No chance to practise using it as much as I'd like.

20th March 2013:

Oh, SPM.
Three letters that attracts butterflies to reproduce in my stomach. =.=
To kill them and make us all feel less nervous about the whole thing, JY organized a sleepover at her house.

13 of us, in total. 10 of us sleeping over, including JY.

JY couldn't wake and overslept in the morning. (the one and only reason for her to be late)
In a hurry she drove down in her pyjamas xD (normal clothes haha)

Met up with the rest, the other driver, ZD, was also late, so...=.= everyone was late.
Bought some fresh ingredients for the steamboat later at the market. Lots of vegetables, and my all-time favourite mushrooms.
Ate breakfast at the market and then, finally, finally, we drove to JY's house. =.=

Preparation in the kitchen. Prawns have to be shelled. Beancurds have to be taken out and de-freeze. As the saying goes, too many cooks spoil the broth, so I ended up being the photographer. After a while some of us left to play UNO in JY's room instead. These are Balik Pulau kids, no worries about anyone being spoilt and refuse to help with the cooking and preparations. :P

Tables and chairs moved outside as it's much cooler than inside the house. Biggggg house compound actually. The view is absolutely gorgeous since it's on top of the hill. Sea can be seen from afar. <3

Road leading up to the house

Lunch offically started. I'm not a fan of steamboat so my actual meal >>> soup+cabbage+noodles.
And also gladly accepting anything they fried for me. xD

Spent two hours on lunch. =.= Steamboat with friends always take forever to finish up.
My actual eating time: 20 minutes. Haha.
I don't eat much really. So time is spent photographing everybody. :)
Soup is coming!

JY and her mom

*nope, you can't take that* LOL
Abel performing noodle act. =.=
CP grinning... *smell something fishy* ..due to her well-known weird food mixing :P

After eating we all helped to bring the things in. Washing up was done by JM and WQ. :)
UNO is next in line. We played a game called 心脏病 (translate: heart attack), pardon that kind of name but it was a really great game. Best played with lots of people.

In the first round, CP tore her fingernail. In the second round, I tore mine. =.= Mine was decidedly worse because YY's palm was bloody (her hand was below mine). She was like "omg, whose blood is this?!" and I was like "huh...*looks at fingers*..oops it's mine..". Hahaha. Hurt like hell. Moral of the story: Don't play this game with even medium-length fingernails. Most probably in a hurry to put a hand in the middle pile (to avoid being the last hand on top), nails will hit against each other and accidents could happen. >.<

After a while we girls went into the downstairs bedroom (guys' room at night) to lie down and talk. It was just a while, because later we went out of the house to play. Played all the childhood games we used to play when we were younger. Also played hide-and-seek, some of us went uncaught because we ran up to the hill behind the house. Wakaka.

The funniest one was probably 老鹰捉小鸡 (translate: eagle catching chicks) because we ended up having an improvised version (chicks caught became baby eagles) and both sides could grab the other's chicks. I'm sure you guys know how to play. We kept falling over laughing because the eagle mom and the hen were pulled at all angles by the chicks behind. *this way! this way!* LOL.
LOL I have no idea how come I shot this.
All of us were sweating like mad, so the water hose is out! Balloons...*searching*
Was drenched just after a few seconds I got near. =.=
Ended up fully drenched. =.=
ZG's waterproof phone was used to take photos (since that's the only phone that we dared to bring near the hose, LOL)
Everyone was extremely crazy. >.<
ZD even filmed a Dove shampoo ad which unfortunately for unknown reasons was lost in phone. :(
But it was still worth it because every single person within watching distance doubled up laughing. LOL.
Balloons are coming!
Water balloon war starting..
Spraying water
Love the spray pattern!

Horrible selfshot LOL.
I like this photo. :D
Next three photos are leaping pics requested by ZD >.<
Jumping in the mud =.=
Leaping in the fake rain~
Coming down in a huge torrent LOL
Yay together :)
Afterward, a wet and shivering me grabbed to go first to shower. :P
Everything was normal until I saw two black fish in the water tank. =.=
*startled* then, *oh who cares :P*
At least they were swimming at the bottom of the tank. I might have fished them out by accident if they were swimming near the surface LOL.

Time for sunset watching! Before that, we borrowed the awesome natural lighting for some selfshots xD.
Me first! :P Simply LOVE the sunset lighting! 
Four of us! <3 Me, WQ, JM, YP
Me, ZD, KH. *KH looks like Donald Duck*
JM and I
JY and I
YP and I
KH and I
WQ and I
CP and I
SC and I
YY and I 
Myself again :P
The sunset view from here is absolutely beautiful. We watched it from the start until it 100% sank below the horizon.
My silhouette :P
Here goes sunset photos, the highlight of this post! Even thought of posting them in a new post, they were so ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. Took the pics with my Xperia instead of Ethan because Ethan's sick, and haven't taken him to a hospital yet. :( Pity Ethan wasn't there to see the sunset. He'd have liked it.
(and no, pictures just won't do because he'll start criticizing what Xperia took. =.=)
Sun is going to set...

This is the BEST PHOTO I have of the sunset. I am totally crazy about the bird, who lends the perfect feel to this photo.
 Thank you, bird. :)
Going to set..

See the sun dipping into the sea? 
See the bright dot? That's the sun below the horizon.
No more sun, but the reflected lights are just so pretty.

Multi colour sky <3

Very dark~ but still nice.
Drove down to Farlim after dinner. Night market. Nothing much to see, but a lot of laughter. :D
Back at JY's house around 11.30pm. (I have NEVER been outside with friends this late ><)
Ghost stories next!
A friend from NS told us some NS camp ghost stories. Not very scary actually, since the lights were all on and we were all bunched up against each other in a circle on the mattress. Almost at the end the boys dozed off. LOL. We girls went back to our room around 2.30am and got ready to sleep.

*lay down and pretend to be a log*

*count sheep*

*oh God...SPM*

*SPM questions flying past*

*relatives' faces flying past*

*sheep faces appear*

*counting sheep again...*

*toss and turn*

*wonder if they're all asleep?*

*felt movement from JM*

*count sheep*

*rinse and repeat above*

15 mintues later..

JY (gave up pretending to be log) : WEI, I CANNOT SLEEP LA......

*sits up* Me: ME TOO! JM: ME TOO! WQ: ME TOO! YY: I already dozed very awake.

So we sat up and talked until 4am. =.=
Talked about a lot of stuff, primarily about SPM. Even revised back the questions given. =.=
And also talked about what ifs, what if we got good results, what if we got bad ones.
We even went down and checked out the guys, who were already asleep. LOL. I distinctly heard them saying earlier that they would be the ones taking our sleeping photos. Hahaha.

Finally fell asleep around 4am. Soooo headache and tired by then, no room for nervousness!

P.S: By the way, I love this photo!!! Taken during water play :D

Tomorrow, is the DAY.

Wish me luck.

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