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Friday, September 2, 2011

Favourite Song Review!!

I have been wanting to do this for ages. And as usual, never got around to doing it.

Okay well since I’m here..

My current top favourite:杨丞琳--我們都傻

Lyrics are below.


就代表又對我的心 撒了 多少謊

但每次我都選擇 選擇相信



看你裝無辜的眼神 我很窒息

難道你沒有看見 看見我對你的好

還是你忘了 那些數不清的愛情軌跡

你說我傻 傻在愛上 只懂愛自己的人




你說我傻 傻在愛上 沒有感情的分身





看你裝無辜的眼神 我很窒息

難道你沒有看見 看見我對你的好

還是你忘了 那些數不清的愛情軌跡

你說我傻 傻在愛上 只懂愛自己的人




你說我傻 傻在愛上 沒有感情的分身





只是問心無愧 諷刺也無所謂

我說我傻 傻在愛上 沒有感情的分身





Review: ***** 5 stars!! I love this song. Maybe because I’m going through this right now…in my relationship…so I totally understand this song. For all you guys who doesn’t understand a single Chinese word…it’s about a guy and a girl, and their relationship changed...

He lied to her a lot…and she cries about it a lot…(first few lines)

Then she still thinks she can change him…and he still lies to her when she knows he’s lying…(I know, he’s a jerk)

She asks him if he realizes everything that she has done for him…or has he forgotten about their past and the memories they had together?

Then she says:

""""You said I’m silly for loving someone who only loves himself,

I said you’re stupid for loving her, I can see it in your eyes, you can’t lie to me

We’re both fools for giving so much in a relationship with no future

And still hoping we still have a chance, that a miracle will come and change everything.

You said I’m silly for loving someone who is insensitive to feelings

I said you’re stupid for loving her until you’re so stubborn about her until you don’t care about anything

We’re both fools for willingly let the other person sacrifice ourselves than give up our naivety in this relationship

And still hoping we still have a chance…"""

It’s SO sad ok? Especially when I listened to this when I found out he cheated on me, friends advised me to leave him and I’m all alone and don’t know what to do.

The melody is beautiful, especially if you listen to only piano.

Hz…my feelings are all written in this song…what more to say?

Till then,
Michelle Yuen Ai

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