Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I wish you a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh sorry...I didn't prepare any....

But I'll give you a little something as a Christmas gift...

This! new online signature!!! Isn't it pretty??

I browsed through lots of designs, shortlisted 6 (they're all very nice) and asked my mom to choose one for me. She chose this because she said it's more "luan" and more like a signature. Lol...^^ thx.

I couldn't decide without someone to help. Lol...

ya ya this is my Christmas gift for you. ^^ hey,
千里送鹅毛,物轻情意重 didn't hear before??? Haha...

I'll TRY to sign it on future posts. And no, I won't sign on past ones. Too traumatizing to sign on 150 something posts at one time....

Merry Christmas everyone! ^.^

Till then,

Emo-ing away...

Yesterday was one of the nicest yet worst days in my life...

Nicest because it's the first time I'm going all out for a performance...><

Worst's the last day of the last...

Last night (or was it today's dawn?) couldn't sleep and cried for so looooong...

What I got was a massive splitting headache today...still tolerable...

I don't even know why am I so stupid...everyone who is changing schools isn't like me...

Maybe because they change willingly while I'm like being dragged away??

Oh no what am I going to do??? 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

8 crazy mottos....8As??? Weird..

Yay me and WY and JJ got 8As................

What a bad example... since we talk n talk n talk n pass notes n do stupid stuff in class all day, everyday...really bad examples...hahaha...didn't even LISTEN to d teacher...

JJ is the most obedient of us all...pass her work up on time...
Me n WY's work all haphazard...muahaha...

Here are the 8 mottos that we practice...

Warning: DO NOT attempt to practise them if you are unsure if you'll be able to achieve 8As in PMR this way. We are not liable for any misuse of this content and the outcome. 

Our 1st motto: If the teacher's nice, leave it until the day to pass up...if the teacher's strict, do the work in the morning of the next day...

Our 2nd motto: If there's enough it ourselves...if no time and the teacher needs it in 10minutes...copy it from other people...

Our 3rd motto: When sleepy or bored in class due to the droning voice of the teacher, pass notes saying how boring we feel...then start a funny game which goes like this: 
Write the beginning of a sentence on a piece of paper, fold it until only the last word could be seen, pass it to a friend, let her continue writing on the last word without seeing what was written in front...fold it and pass it on and on till the suspense is worked up and then ask to go to the toilet...then open up the paper there and start laughing and laughing until the hilarity of it wears off....

Or if the teacher is a very nice one or the teacher has just gone out then open the paper there and then and prepare to bend over with laughter...

Our 4th motto: Laugh at what the boys said so that they get confidence to carry on their antics and talk so that even the teacher wants to join in. 

Our 5th motto: If the teacher ask if we have any homework for the day, tell her with a resounding YES! and start saying how stressed we are...

Our 6th motto: Projects are boring so when we have one, everyone in the class do the research with ridiculously slow pace. Say NO everytime the teacher asks if we have finished the research or if bla bla deadline is ok or not. Kexi forget about it until the deadline is about one more week, then tell the teacher we didn't do anything and show the proof (or in that case, no proof). 
Teacher will then panic and gave everything to us to copy....

Our 7th motto: When Maths lessons start and the teacher gives work to do on the spot, turn back to face a friend and talk while doing work. This will lift up the bore of Maths as well as check each other's answers. In our case, WY even sings while doing work. That's how I got to know new pop songs.....
Sometimes we even sing nursery rhymes and double back with laughter. The Maths work is forgotten.
Example: Baa baa black sheep any any wolf?
               Yes sir yes sir three black wolves...
               One for my mother, one for my dad
               And one for my little boy who bla bla bla bla....

This is what JoYee sang when we asked her to sing Baa Baa Black Sheep...and it became the joke of the year...

So cute...haha yeng JY...^^ no offense ya it's just so funny...^^

Our 8th motto: When PMR is still months and months away, start discussing after PMR activities. When PMR is still weeks and weeks away, start studying AND talking nonsense. When PMR approaches, go crazy. Nobody even study ANYTHING.

There, our 8 mottos and we got 8As. Crazy huh?

That's why when the reporters ask me if I have any study secrets, I just go blank.
I mean, what do you want me to say? Recite the 8 mottos? Lol...

But don't follow us if you don't have confidence that you'll get straight As this way. And by the way, we're not geniuses. 3As are not full of geniuses, far from it. We're just plain students who loves As but hates studying, doing homework and listening to teachers. Just like everyone else...haha...

But I'm sooo glad we all got 8As together...when are we gonna celebrate it??? ^^

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My PMR results...

Went to school today to get my PMR results....

Why do they have to make it so scary?

I woke up at dawn in a haze, my heart VERY overreacting. Then I fall back asleep because it wasn't time yet.

Then I woke up again...had butterflies (a little understated) for breakfast which flew around in my stomach all day until lunchtime...

Then I went to school...silently complaining about the distance of my home and my school...why so far???

When I finally arrive SAFELY (thank god!) at school...the first person I saw is JoYee who was dutying at the gate and smiled very yam-chin-ly at me and say good luck ya.....=.= which made the butterflies in my stomach overexcited and beat their wings against me...

Went in...toward the foyer then up to the hall...(why can't they give it at the gate???)
Then saw JJ them crowding at the bottom of the stairs...then they said go get the school magazine in the hall first then go down MO1 get the results...coz MO1 there all 6As and above...

So 3A class everyone go don't worry...

Wtf??? Don't worry??? I'm worrying that I'll get 6As or 7As ok??? >.< who ask everyone I know to give me SOOO much pressure d????

So...the butterflies still not digested...

Everyone went into MO1...=.= die die die!!

Then after a lifetime, Mr Kang finally said: Ok...I announce the 8As first ya....

And we were like: nooooooooooooooo!!

But I guess it doesn't matter much either we diam diam listen...
=.= how come they announce alphabetically...if I get 8As then it'll be somewhere behind...=.=

"Bla bla bla.." *clap clap*
"La la la.." *clap clap*
"Teo Pei Wen..." *clap clap* (oh no I'm behind her...)


What are they doing?? Why silence??? No more liao horrr???

Hold your breath...

And then

They called..


Yay yay YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

La la la la la....

Everyone got 8As...ok so not EVERYONE la...

28 of us...all my class!! Congrats all! ^^

And also 7As and 6As...^^ all of you very yeng proud of my class...hahaha...
KJ got 7As...B in Chinese...I also thought I'd get a B in essay something wrong. Wasn't really surprised at KJ's results but a bit regretful lo. But he has a postive outlook about it and said he's grateful instead of disappointed...that's a very nice view to take...^^ jia you in spm!

Yay me n WY n JJ got 8As!!!!!!!!! 
Happy for you guys and myself ^^...

And of course, DL...he got 2As, 1B, 1C, 4Ds....
Thank God he didn't fail anything la...
He got As in English and Maths...
B in Science...
C in Geography...
Ds in Sejarah (history), KH, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia...

So he has an "ok" future for science classes...since he got As and B in the crucial science subjects...
Geo and KH can go hang already....SJ most only need pass wad...BM too...and BC isn't really needed. Those who focus on BC getting A are those who are good in it AND/OR those who wants a scholarship... work (all the study notes and questions I wrote for him and spent time to explain to him...) paid off PARTLY...

At least he got B in Science A in Maths and a pass in SJ...^^

And best of all,

He gets into Science class!!!!!!!!! 4S5!!!
So happy...we were worrying about it for weeks and weeks. Coz the school takes the school exams into account instead of PMR...and he got 200 something in placing...

Coz if he gets 4T1 then he can't pursue his dream careers ler....>.<
4S5 doesn't have Bio but takes Accounts...he isn't planning to be doctor so its ok...^^
That's the 2nd best thing today....!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Love Fever In 3A

It’s true. After PMR the whole love thing is burning like fire. >.<

We have a new couple too, which was heavily debated over the months when he first threw out a clue. O.o

KJ and PW.

WY is going crazy after they became official after PMR. (or during PMR). To me I feel that these few years are like a trial only, which will shape a person later in life. Those who get what (who) they want easily will never know what it’s like to be disillusioned by love or lose someone to another, thus they will never really learn to appreciate what they have, you know?

But I get out of topic. Anyway this was kind of surprising seeing as his dad is in the school, and it’s so easy to be caught. And I have a feeling his dad won’t be happy with that.

Who cares, though? Haha…

I don’t have any partiality to PW and her group; in fact I feel WY is better in terms of suitability. But my opinion may be biased since WY is my best friend and I talk to PW once in a green moon. Seriously though, I can’t imagine PW in deep discussion of Lord of the Rings with KJ. O.O or rave about how amazing the songs of an English band are.

But who am I to judge? Each man to his meat.

Here I congratulate KJ on his successful endeavour, and wish them both lasting happiness. It won’t be a smooth road if it is to last, but after every bump, continuing ahead will be worth it.

And hope WY can forget about the sad parts of the past, store the happy memories away and look forward to her super bright 1 million watt future ahead. ^.^ I’m sure you can find happiness somewhere else, maybe even much more happiness that he can give you.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Baby Hamsters

My 5 new baby hams are born! Sooooo happy~

The figure of speech "breed like rodents" is somehow true...hamsters can have a new litter every month since their gestation period is 23-29 days average.

As for my hyperactive Mysty and Jacques, you can imagine how it will be to leave them in the same container for months. >.<

Anyway since Mysty's first litter of 3 died, I wasn't that mad...I'm excited all over again.

The babies are much same as the first litter...I didn't bother taking a lot of photos because I didn't want to disturb them. I did take a few though...^.^

5 of them...O.O 2 more than the first one. But they are all SO cute...curling up against each other under their mom. I think Mysty had been dehydrated last time~because I had to fill up her bottle every day. It's not that she drinks the whole bottle, but the bottle is placed such that when she finished the top part of the water, it couldn't flow. Usually I filled it up for her and Jacques about 4 days once (they drink very little) but now she finished the top part in one day by herself. I didn't notice it last time when she had her first maybe she couldn't sustain the babies...

But now everything's going on fine. They were born December 8~

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sad...2010 almost over for me...

Apart from choir, there's absolutely nothing else about CHC and its students (aka my friends) to look forward to, this year. And after this year, they will form a part of the past. No matter how much I'd wanted to bring them forward with me, no matter how many times I swear everyone who are my friends, I'll keep in contact, but the truth is, friends won't really last if you're not in the same school as them.

Just now I went to my future school...walked around the corridors. Of course I'm not going to the SPM corridors la...but as I walked along a class (5A2), I saw, through the pale blue curtains and half-closed windows, all the chairs and tables stacked up together.

And I just stood there like turned into stone.

Admittedly, it brings back those memories. Still fresh and yet, long-gone. I'll probably relive it again, when I'm sitting for SPM. But the atmosphere, the people, they'll all be different.

Remembering those days when everyone in my class studied feverishly and had a ready stock of reference books by hand. Those days when teachers sit in the class doing their own work, those "free yet not free" times, when we had all the freedom in the world but expected to only study. I had bouts of migraine in those days, but it wasn't so bad. 

I remember there was one day when HuiJie and JoYee added an entertainment break in between studying. There were only a few people in class, but we were all entertained by their hilarious acting. I remember I did laugh, but somehow I wasn't really laughing. I think DL n me must have argued that day.

Those days when it was just before PMR, and our class was made into a store for extra chairs and tables. Students from other classes come and go. Everyone was rather tense that day, and we were quite mad because Miss Teh was ordering us to do things and don't stand there like gods but there weren't anything to do! In the end our job was standing at the door and grabbing tables and chairs from bewildered students, and take the things into our class. Just to find something to do. >.<

PMR was~nothing to say. But its like missing half of the class-we never really see them for all those days...and they don't see us too. After PMR...nobody really cares about the minor subjects like sivik and moral. When we had the exams, it was like a discussion forum instead of exam time. Lol...

After exams we had all the time to ourselves. We chat about every topic under the sun. We discussed about after pmr activities. We had some activities organized by the school. 

But slowly, more and more classmates didn't come anymore. At the very end, only a handful came. Under 10? Maybe. At the very end, me n JJ n WY spent time in the library typing stories. Everything was so...monotonous. I wish I could have a full class atmosphere on the last day. With the teacher teaching and trying to control us, while boys like JiaYean and TuYuan and SuenRuey interrupting the boring teaching and make us all burst into laughter, and WY and me writing funny notes to each other and once in a while call JJ to fold the paper for us, coz she's the only one with minimal sense of humour and won't give away what's inside the paper.

I miss all of my friends. I really really do. And to think I would never hear any joke, any chat, any rumour about this boy and that girl, to think that I wouldn't be a part of 2010 (3A) next year 4S1, to think I won't do a class party with all my friends...that just makes me sad. So horribly sad you wouldn't imagine how I feel right now. I want to cry, but what's the use of crying? There's no turning back. Even though I haven't gotten the school-change letter, I could never go back again next year. 

If people ask about 08037 in the CHC school office, they'll only hear two words.

She's gone.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

R.I.P Baby Hamsters


My ham-hams are dead. The little ones.

I haven't even given them proper names...T.T

Hz~two of them died yesterday...about 5pm, and the other 7pm. H-A-I-Z.
I didn't know what happen also.
No scratch, no bite, no blood.
Perfectly good in condition. >.<

Hz...what to do? Maybe the mom didn't feed them. :(

Rest in peace, my cute baby hamsters...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baby hamsters surprise!

We have baby hamsters!

Sasha is a BOY.

There are three babies...and Mysty is acting all mother-like and hid them under a pile of tissue nest...=.= And bit at anything that threatens now I use chopsticks if I need to move the tissues to see them...(she even bit the camera strap that was within mouth-distance...

I took some nice pictures...

The babies are born on November 3rd...time unknown because I was out the whole day...but its afternoon to evening...because I went out from 2pm until 8pm and before that Mysty was still looking really fat.

((I thought Mysty looked fat for the past few days...she looked bigger somehow. And she had a huge appetite...she almost finished everything in just one meal...=.= And she was a little aggresive with "Sasha"...I thought they were playing fight...)

Here are photos of a few hours old d babies...
Mom and babies...

Blurry pic of mom 

d front one is mom...entering nest...followed by dad

mom trying 2 keep dad out of d nest..

one baby

just skin...==

close shot of baby

mom picking up baby to bring 2 nest

clear shot of baby...transparent pink skin..

and black eyes

3 babies
They don't look fur and just skin...eww. But with proper nutrition they will grow up to be little cute hamsters!

Can you even imagine them to be furry hamsters like this?
Now they just look like little pink worms...><


Thursday, October 21, 2010

My 1st year anniversary gift

Hey there, sorry 4 not intro-ing my latest most fav possession, my watch~

Okay I can see you mentally scratching your head. To be honest I have 3 watches now...not a big deal to my friend EC who buys a new watch every month (she can open a watch shop by now...haha. She has a thing for watches...of course not branded ones la, if branded she'll be broke by now...haha). But to many people 3 watches are a little too extravagant.

But this one is my prized possession, one that I have gone to great lengths to get it. It took me weeks and weeks to get it perfect, and it costs just more than a lot of money, it costs numerous arguments between me and DL, as well as infinite time and effort.

Here are photos of my beloved watch:
Front of the watch

Back of the watch (transparent)

You can see that I have made various personalizations to it, because I really want to make it my very own. It's a Swatch, model number n name (LK292G Menthol Tone). All of the personalizations are engraving, with two types of engraving, one laser engraving (at the back of the watch in black) and one hand engraving (in front). The engraving costs extra, and takes extra long time to wait and wait, but at the end of the day its finally worth it.

Whole of watch
At first I just had the idea of getting personalized watches for our 1st year anniversary. We chose our watches (I changed my mind a few times, due to budget restrictions and the size of the watches), and DL got them for both of us. We had to wait for a week because DL wasn't free to go and get it. My Swatch costs RM235, while his costs a little less than double mine. He brought mine in its original packaging to school, and I just LOVE it! The news was quickly broadcast around the class, after more and more people noticed the literally sparkling new watch on my wrist. Everybody love it, even SR n TY said I'm so xin fu to have DL give me a Swatch as a present. I didn't corrected them that the watch money was out of my own pocket, because technically he had a share in it too, by going all the way to QB to buy it for me. Hahaha so I basked in spotlight attention for around a week, due to my scintillating watch.
Watch against black background

Ya I agree...its so beautiful. I didn't notice it at first, but later I was attracted because it looks SO unique. If I'm going to pay a shocking price for a watch (I've never bought anything more than RM100 myself), I'm going to get a watch that's UNIQUE, so that its worth every cent of my money. And it IS worth every cent of it.

There are tiny alternating blue and pink genuine Swarovski crystals as hour marks, except for 12, 3, 6 and 9, of which they are marked with silver numbers. The sun-brushed silver face has two elegantly designed hour and minute hands, while the second hand is fine and accurate.

Bracelet-type watch strap

On both sides of the face, crystals of various different colours, shapes and sizes are set into silver beds. There are leaf-shaped, round, and square, and pink, white and blue coloured crystals. Further down on either side, a round ring-shaped piece resides, with three blue crystals and three pink crystals encrusted in it. Then, the designs are repeated again. Until the ends, a silver clasp with the word "swatch" on it clips the ends together.
His name. My name isnt visible

The back of the face is transparent, thus you can see the tiny motors running inside it. The strap is 1/8 (12.5%) stainless steel. There was one other watch I wanted which was fully stainless steel, but it was almost double price, so I picked this one.

Laser engraving on the back

I personalized it by laser engrave our English names and the words "Forever Together" at the back. Then, my satisfaction apparently not done, a professional engraved our Chinese names and 1st anniversary date (14th AUG 2010) at the first two silver circles. Then, at the clasp, he engraved the words "Te Amo Para Siempre" on it. All the taking it to engrave part was done by my hs DL~^^

Beautiful and creative right? Haha...I'm not 100% pleased with the outcome actually. I told you, I'm a perfectionist, and the engravings were far from perfect. At first, the laser engraving people mistake the "N" and "E" in "Delien". I was really furious because I'm sure DL has told the person clearly and even wrote it down for the person. He even gave the person my sketched drawing of the pattern I wanted (much to my annoyance). Then the people said they have to polished it off and engrave it back again. They needed some more TIME (read: DAYS) to redo it. choice lor, ma give back them do.
The date

When I took it again a few days after, the result was SO bad. The old mark was still there, very blurry. >< Haiz...but I dowan waste more time lor...accp..><

Then still need to give to the handmade engraver...the chinese names are okay...DL's was perfect, but mine was a little not balanced....then the dates are not balanced too....
The best is the love quote~that's nice...very balanced.

I've had it for two months now...and its perfect! A little flaw is that it TICKS loudly...if in a quiet room. But that doesn't bothers me~ because I just imagine it to be his heartbeat...haha...^^

In the end...everything was not perfect but acceptable la...^^
Muackz to DL for doing everything for me!
You're the BEST ever^^

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I know you feel bad...

Cuz you think I don't love you more than anyone else...

But its not true.

I know my words and my actions don't match...that's why you don't trust what I say anymore..

And I know you have every right to say you don't believe me.

I also don't believe myself.

But how do I prove that I really love you?

Feel totally depressed nowadays. Have been crying every single day, since PMR. I think if I go and see a psychologist, I'd be diagnosed as having critical depression and anxiety.

I feel suicidal.

What more evidence do you need to show that I'm crazy?

I feel crazy.

I have been crying. My eyes are going to be permanently sore. I can barely open my eyes fully wide. Whole day half-open half-closed. And I look like a real-life human panda being hit in the eye.

And its not just my eyes hurting.

My heart hurts as well.

And even though I've been making late-night calls just to explain things to him, and he already is nice to me and he says he's forgiven me and he even laughs with me..

I still feel empty.

Ya I told him, I want him to be happy and love me and treat me like usual, and he did it. He did everything I said.

But when I'm alone from him, when I can't hear his voice, feel his presence, look at him, when I'm away from him totally, I stopped feeling wonderful.

I imagined everything to be worse, and he's still angry, he's still sad, he hates me, he doesn't love me anymore, and then I think a lot of other stupid stuff, and gets so worried I cry again.

Then I feel bad all over.

And I just want go sleep and never wake again.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Haha pmr is ald over. 

Sorry I haven't been posting for a long time....lazy + no chance + no time. 

Study a lot ler...hope can get my str8 As...just scared of BC...chose wrong topic to write my geram + regret. But too late le, when I want to change my topic, ald left half an didn't change.><

BI leh...quite perfect d...I took my own sweet time to write lo. :-) Haha....wrote dao kinda long...about 4 pages...hehe. I'm most satisfied with my BI!

BM is...okay, not really sure if can get dao A lar...but I tried my best. Not enough time to write a lot in the last bahagian....haiya don care about it la.

MM is fun...I correct all in my paper 1...SO HAPPY. ^^

SC is quite difficult in paper 2...some din even read before lolz...I write as much as I can la. ^^

SJ is the best in all....haha...I simply choose d answer also can correct...lolz. 

GE is ok la...not bad...^^ got confidence...

KH...hmm...wrong quite a lot...coz quite difficult...but it's ok coz we still have the marks for projects.

To tell you the truth...before the papers (SJ n GE) got time can study...but I din even study...lolz. Just at there talk nonsense then JJ was frantically flipping the pages and I was sleepy. LOL.

I'm ok in those subjects...just the BM n BC....let me die nia...:'(

Haiya over's time to RELAX! :D

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Two more new hamsters arrival!

I got two new hamsters! Bambi and Sasha, two little Robo girls.

Since I separated Hazel and Mysty, Mysty was kinda ke lian. She would run in her wheel all day and sleep when she's tired. No interaction. Hazel was fine with that because there is always me to play with her. But Mysty is still scared of me so she's lonely.

So I got two new hamsters from play with Mysty. The first time was most hilarious. Mysty was absolutely terrified of the twins. She tried to escape them (they cornered her to sniff her out) but failed. She would try to run in the wheel and leapt off in fear when one of the newcomers tried to climb up the wheel. She even tried to stuff food in her cheeks (the way when she's too scared) only to have the twins climbing in into the bowl. Food was sent flying in all directions as Mysty hurriedly jumped out.

But in just a few days Mysty was completely at ease with her new friends. She would curl up with one of them and sleep through the day, and fight over the wheel with them at night.

Bambi and Sasha are agouti Robos. They have the original brown colour fur, with dark eyes and white eyebrows. Mysty, on the other hand, is a white-faced. She is white with mixed colour fur, another type of colour of Roborovski hamsters.

Everything seems to be going on fine...

Until the day Bambi went missing.

I searched high and low for her, to no avail. I was so afraid that she had fallen down the toilet or ran out under the main door. I left sunflower seeds and corn kernels on the ground before I left~
And when I got back, guess what? 
The seeds were cracked open and eaten!!!

But Bam was still missing. =.= 

A few minutes later my dad called that Bam was in his study room. =.=

So I took the rolling ball and run...Bam had scuttled under the desk. =.= Which was impossible to get her out because the space was so tiny. =.=///

So we got a long stick and try to push her out of her hidey hole. I made a sort of fort around...with low boxes and prevent her getting out and running to god-knows-where. But when she ran out, panicked, she just jumped over the things and continue running.

Fine...we rushed and my mom threw a cloth over stun her. She suddenly went still as she couldn't see a thing, then i opened up an edge, she rushed out and into the ball. 

Mission completed. 

Haha...stupid Bambi. Over a few more weeks Bambi ran out again twice...once she just made the wheel fall and climb up on the edge and jump out of the box...clever eh? naughty Bambi.

But the one thing great about her is that she can run the wheel like mad and turn over somersaults. Her body just flipped over the wheel. Crazy i know...but she is one crazy hamster. Once she turned 20 somersaults (not in a row, but the same time she was on the wheel and she didn't get down, just keep on running and turn) and I was shocked. I think she seemed shocked herself, but she loved it. And when she failed the momentum she just tried again. 

Sasha was more quiet and sleepy. She sleeps all day, but also known for running back and forth the whole length of her chosen side of the box. She just ran to one side, jump, and then turned and ran back, jump, and ran to the other side again. Another crazy hamster.

Thank God Mysty wasn't influenced by the newcomers' craziness. YET.

Haha...till next time then. Stay tuned for more!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Miles..and Miles...and miles away from you~~~

Another Poem...

Beautiful, heart-wrenching and meaningful~~

By Sonia Hernandez

Miles and miles and miles apart.
Although so far you've touched my heart.
Your laugh, your voice, your adoring smile,
Seem to shorten every mile.

I wake every morning and rest at night,
my thoughts and dreams filled with your sight.
Oh how I wish, even for one night,
I could lay in your arms and you hold me tight.
Not just a little briused or battered,

When I think of the distance it's completely shattered.
We'll never give up or say goodbye.
Remember together, the moon in the sky.
Your heart's a part of me and mine of you.
With that alone, we shall not be blue. 

Dedicated 2 Delien Lim

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hazel n Mysty separated~

Hazel has been fighting Mysty for a few days now. I'm worried that one day one of them (Mysty) will get hurt. So I've decided to separate them.

I've been observing for a long time, and while they're cute together at first and play with each other, that isn't the case now. Just yesterday, Hazel rushed over and fought Mysty the moment she came into the cardboard box where Hazel was in.

Poor Mysty was terrified and she kept squealing. I had to drag Hazel away (almost got bitten myself).

They are different species...Hazel is almost twice the size of Mysty better separated. 


Saturday, July 17, 2010

*****I'll Write Your Name In The Stars*****

All hearts could be warmer
And you’ve found your way into mine
But frankly,
I still feel alone
For the longest time,
We’ve pushed towards the state of blissfulness
A purity so cool upon our finger tips
And all at once it leaves us breathless
Wherever you go,
Be my everything
My sunshine in the morning
My stars at night
Promise me forever
Hold me tight
I’m at the next step
Waiting for our year
You can’t be pushed aside
You’re always drifting through my mind
Throuh pools of sorrow
And waves of joy
You’re possesing me
Miles away,
Forever apart
An impossible love
You’re always in my heart
But as time passes and tears dry
My heart will stay yours until the day I die
Limitless, undying love
Which shines like a thousand suns
If we could be together for just one moment
What would it take?
To make or break this hint of love
With next to nothing but open hands
Reach out
Hold on tight
Back up the feelings you claim now
Only time will tell
With this love behind us
Niether broken nor whole
It’s all written in the stars
So let us live or let us die
I’ll write your name in stars
Will you write mine?

Dedicated 2 Delien Lim
(Note: Did not write this myself, got it from a website, but love it loads!!!)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hazel And two hamsters...

I got my new hamsters....:D

Happy like hell....^^compensate for these days BAD mood....
Two of them...different species...wonder if they will get along? Now they seems to be okay and no fight...later?

I got them on 1st July. Its good because I'll always remember the date. I think they're about a month old when I got them...they're small and Hazel is the same size as Mysty.
Let me introduce them.

Hazel is a dominant girl, is born on June 2nd (I agak myself) and is a Campbell dwarf hamster, scientifically known as Phodopus Sungorus Campbelli. She is a lively, curious hamster with bright eyes and an inquisitive nose. Her fur is grey with a dark dorsal stripe and a greyish white underbelly. She is friendly and will willingly befriend anyone, although she will nibble at fingers sometimes. Sometimes she is being a bully and loves to grab food or toys away from her first cagemate, Mysty. She likes chasing Mysty around the cage, who races away faster than lightning.
Hazel also LOVES sunflower seeds and one will sure get her attention more than anything. She loves eating and will try anything at least once. She adores climbing the bars of her three-storey cage and doesn't mind falling from any spot as long as she can climb again. She is known for gnawing feverishly on bars for hours, with no sedative except food.

Hazel drinking water

Mysty is the younger girl, born on June 5th and is a Roborovski hamster, scientifically known as Phodopus Sungorus Roborovski. She is beautiful with serious dark eyes and soft white fur. Her back is partly greyish with light brown at the fur ends. She is shy and loves having a hidey-hole hidden away in a closed, quiet spot to be in and prefers coming out to run on the wheel in the middle of the night when no one but the other hamsters see her. She is easily startled and afraid, needing enough time to settle down and always gets bullied by Hazel.She loves corn kernels but has no love for cornflakes.
Mysty's best activity is running in the wheel. She could run very fast for hours on end. She doesn't appear breathless, on the contrary, she runs around the cage once she's off the wheel. She is an excellent explorer in the rolling ball, unlike Hazel who rolls around in the ball half-heartedly. She drinks only a little water. Mysty is terrified of loud noises, as well as strange things she has never seen. She runs away when approached, unlike Hazel, who bounds forward eagerly. When Mysty's scared, she stuffs a lot of food in her cheeks as if afraid food would be taken from her the next second.

My two opposite personalities Mysty and Hazel~

Love you both a lot!^^

P.S: sorry couldn't upload a lot of photos because I couldn't find their photos...will upload another time.

Viva Espana! :)

Yay yay yay yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So terribly happy 2day.

Spain WON the World Cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy dao siao!!!!!!!!!!

Spain last won d Euro Cup...nw d World Cup 2.....=)

Hahahahhaha. Dey say Holland play very rough.....hurt d spain players...

C....rough playing doesn't win u a World Cup title....just brings u shame and outrage....


World Cup finally ends....T.T

Feel a little bit bored...haha what to do nw???

Advice, anyone?

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I love him.

He's cute, he's intelligent, he has a superpower. 

What more can I want?


Even has 8 legs.

Paul d octopus!!!!!!!!

Hahaha....thx thx Paul predict Spain win!!!!!!!!! Give u a flying kiss *MUACK* haha....

Yay yay! Spain spain spain go go go!!!

Bye bye Germany...

Spain beat the team that beat England 4-1 and Argentina 4-0...

Even Loew himself (Germany coach) admitted that Spain is the best team in the world....


Woke up at 3am just to see them was a really good game...both very strong so its hard 2 score goals...and Spain is very careful and pass d ball slowly (no flying kicks). They're very patient. And Germany never had the chance to aim a goal either...the ball was sent flying back to the middle of the field. 

In the end 75th minute after a corner kick from Spain (newspaper say its Xavi, I don't even know who is who...I just know David Villa...hahax coz he's the best player currently...and he's very recognizable d...) one of the Spain player Puyol (with that horrible hair) knock the ball in with his head....the German goalkeeper was stunned. Lolz.

Haha....Spain wins.....I cnt even sleep 4 half an hour....2 excited and happy and ecstatic....

Then go 2 sch lyk a panda and SR broadcast that i watch d match around d class....T.T

Go go go Spain!!!

I feel a bit sry 4 dey ald won 3 world cups and got into lots of finals...let Spain have the chance nw ok?

Spain meets Holland in the finals at 2.30am on 12 July....
Which means I'm going to be another panda again....

And you're the best Paul! haha...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Its a BEAUTIFUL song....T.T

I wanna cry NW....

Monday go sch...>.< full of fear and 不安...

Maybe dis is my last day at sch....

In car i keep think...think....

Then....heard this song in d radio....

Str8 cry liao....

Lyk dis beautiful d my fear....equals tears....

作词:庄鹃瑛 沈圣哲作曲:沈圣哲





再见吧我的 王子梦想还没有消失

后来我们各自旅 行


再见吧我的王子梦想 还没有消失

Listen liao can die d....T.T

Then at sch i told JJ n DL everything.....:(

I din tel WY coz scared she freak out

And make my life worse

Today i 特别珍惜 everything...


Class as usual wif WY kap siao

Then recess time...

I met V on d way

He was glancing at me

Me too

Then as usual I 闪, look other way

And regretting in d same second

Coz he oso 故意 look other way~

Haizz last day still cannot solve this sad problem~

DL was ok bt he din realize the seriousness of it...


Happier part: I got my hamsters!

They're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO white one black

>< so cute...with YS's cage...

Then, after school.

Heavy heart

I look at everyone

One last glance.

I may never be able to have this one more glance....



Then R.

Then I cnt stand le I run out wif JJ

She ask I ok ma

I say not ok la...tears coming le...

Then pek chek coz my hamsters nt wif DL....

Then he go get from YS...

WJ apologised


Then when im leaving...I look at JJ

Then WY

Then DL....

My DL....

I love d DL....

Then i just say bye...then he ask me...tmr got go sch?

I say 肯定没有

Den i left le....:( din even look back....


Can only pray for my fate.

Not fair....

Tomorrow's my bday...
