Friday, October 15, 2010


Haha pmr is ald over. 

Sorry I haven't been posting for a long time....lazy + no chance + no time. 

Study a lot ler...hope can get my str8 As...just scared of BC...chose wrong topic to write my geram + regret. But too late le, when I want to change my topic, ald left half an didn't change.><

BI leh...quite perfect d...I took my own sweet time to write lo. :-) Haha....wrote dao kinda long...about 4 pages...hehe. I'm most satisfied with my BI!

BM is...okay, not really sure if can get dao A lar...but I tried my best. Not enough time to write a lot in the last bahagian....haiya don care about it la.

MM is fun...I correct all in my paper 1...SO HAPPY. ^^

SC is quite difficult in paper 2...some din even read before lolz...I write as much as I can la. ^^

SJ is the best in all....haha...I simply choose d answer also can correct...lolz. 

GE is ok la...not bad...^^ got confidence...

KH...hmm...wrong quite a lot...coz quite difficult...but it's ok coz we still have the marks for projects.

To tell you the truth...before the papers (SJ n GE) got time can study...but I din even study...lolz. Just at there talk nonsense then JJ was frantically flipping the pages and I was sleepy. LOL.

I'm ok in those subjects...just the BM n BC....let me die nia...:'(

Haiya over's time to RELAX! :D

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