Saturday, December 25, 2010

8 crazy mottos....8As??? Weird..

Yay me and WY and JJ got 8As................

What a bad example... since we talk n talk n talk n pass notes n do stupid stuff in class all day, everyday...really bad examples...hahaha...didn't even LISTEN to d teacher...

JJ is the most obedient of us all...pass her work up on time...
Me n WY's work all haphazard...muahaha...

Here are the 8 mottos that we practice...

Warning: DO NOT attempt to practise them if you are unsure if you'll be able to achieve 8As in PMR this way. We are not liable for any misuse of this content and the outcome. 

Our 1st motto: If the teacher's nice, leave it until the day to pass up...if the teacher's strict, do the work in the morning of the next day...

Our 2nd motto: If there's enough it ourselves...if no time and the teacher needs it in 10minutes...copy it from other people...

Our 3rd motto: When sleepy or bored in class due to the droning voice of the teacher, pass notes saying how boring we feel...then start a funny game which goes like this: 
Write the beginning of a sentence on a piece of paper, fold it until only the last word could be seen, pass it to a friend, let her continue writing on the last word without seeing what was written in front...fold it and pass it on and on till the suspense is worked up and then ask to go to the toilet...then open up the paper there and start laughing and laughing until the hilarity of it wears off....

Or if the teacher is a very nice one or the teacher has just gone out then open the paper there and then and prepare to bend over with laughter...

Our 4th motto: Laugh at what the boys said so that they get confidence to carry on their antics and talk so that even the teacher wants to join in. 

Our 5th motto: If the teacher ask if we have any homework for the day, tell her with a resounding YES! and start saying how stressed we are...

Our 6th motto: Projects are boring so when we have one, everyone in the class do the research with ridiculously slow pace. Say NO everytime the teacher asks if we have finished the research or if bla bla deadline is ok or not. Kexi forget about it until the deadline is about one more week, then tell the teacher we didn't do anything and show the proof (or in that case, no proof). 
Teacher will then panic and gave everything to us to copy....

Our 7th motto: When Maths lessons start and the teacher gives work to do on the spot, turn back to face a friend and talk while doing work. This will lift up the bore of Maths as well as check each other's answers. In our case, WY even sings while doing work. That's how I got to know new pop songs.....
Sometimes we even sing nursery rhymes and double back with laughter. The Maths work is forgotten.
Example: Baa baa black sheep any any wolf?
               Yes sir yes sir three black wolves...
               One for my mother, one for my dad
               And one for my little boy who bla bla bla bla....

This is what JoYee sang when we asked her to sing Baa Baa Black Sheep...and it became the joke of the year...

So cute...haha yeng JY...^^ no offense ya it's just so funny...^^

Our 8th motto: When PMR is still months and months away, start discussing after PMR activities. When PMR is still weeks and weeks away, start studying AND talking nonsense. When PMR approaches, go crazy. Nobody even study ANYTHING.

There, our 8 mottos and we got 8As. Crazy huh?

That's why when the reporters ask me if I have any study secrets, I just go blank.
I mean, what do you want me to say? Recite the 8 mottos? Lol...

But don't follow us if you don't have confidence that you'll get straight As this way. And by the way, we're not geniuses. 3As are not full of geniuses, far from it. We're just plain students who loves As but hates studying, doing homework and listening to teachers. Just like everyone else...haha...

But I'm sooo glad we all got 8As together...when are we gonna celebrate it??? ^^

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