Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Baby Hamsters

My 5 new baby hams are born! Sooooo happy~

The figure of speech "breed like rodents" is somehow true...hamsters can have a new litter every month since their gestation period is 23-29 days average.

As for my hyperactive Mysty and Jacques, you can imagine how it will be to leave them in the same container for months. >.<

Anyway since Mysty's first litter of 3 died, I wasn't that mad...I'm excited all over again.

The babies are much same as the first litter...I didn't bother taking a lot of photos because I didn't want to disturb them. I did take a few though...^.^

5 of them...O.O 2 more than the first one. But they are all SO cute...curling up against each other under their mom. I think Mysty had been dehydrated last time~because I had to fill up her bottle every day. It's not that she drinks the whole bottle, but the bottle is placed such that when she finished the top part of the water, it couldn't flow. Usually I filled it up for her and Jacques about 4 days once (they drink very little) but now she finished the top part in one day by herself. I didn't notice it last time when she had her first maybe she couldn't sustain the babies...

But now everything's going on fine. They were born December 8~

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