Monday, December 31, 2012

Living For The Sweet Stuff

Today is the 31st and finally, finally I managed to persuade my mom to go get some Baskin Robins for me. There's this BR shop near my old house but "strangely" enough I have NEVER been there in all my 17 years. LOL. And the first time I actually ate some BR ice-cream was this year, March 31st at Genting Highlands during my high school grad trip. So this is the second time.

I only get to eat this on every 31st because then there's a 31% discount. Without discount, the ice-cream is extremely expensive. Yes it is.
See so many people in the shop.

Ice-cream cakes. Only ate once on one of my birthdays.
Menu boards.
 I got two Quarts, which cost RM60 something. We had to wait for a long time for our turn, but finally bought them. =) Excited!

My haul! =)
 By the way, due to the bag being a paper bag, they put dry ice inside it, so that it won't get wet. I didn't know and held on the dry ice for too long and got a frostbite on the edge of my finger. :(  It hurts!

Dry ice, emitting white vapours, commonly used on stage for a smoke effect.
See how much smoke it emits when water is dripped on it. This is sublimation in action.
Here's the Quart tub! =)
First one: VeryBerry Strawberry & Cherry Jubilee. Half half.
Inside! It looks SO YUMMY! And I love the two different pink shades. The darker one is the cherry, lighter one is strawberry.
 This is TOTALLY YUMMY!! I especially love fruit flavours for expensive ice-cream (same with Haagen Dazs) because the fruits inside the ice-cream is BIG and real. For example, the strawberry one has many strawberry halves and the cherry one has cherry halves. I am in LOVE.

Second one: Perils of Praline and Mango Yogurt. Mixed, half half.
Looks a bit watery on top, but isn't underneath. The darker yellow one is mango, while the lighter one is P.of Praline.
This is yummy too!!! It's a perfect mix because the mango one is slightly sourish (due to yogurt), while the Praline one is on the sweeter side. So I will never tire of eating this mix because when the Praline is too sweet, I changed to the Mango one, and vice versa. Yummmmm ^.^ There are also caramel and chocolate chips inside the Praline one. =)

Out of all four, I'm loving the Cherry Jubilee the MOST. It's not overly sweet, but has a great cherry smell (love it!) and has big chunks of cherries. Can't wait for the next 31st to get it again. Haha. 

I am so living for the sweet stuff! Crave everything sweet from chocolates to ice-creams to sundaes to cheesecakes to caramel to jellies (seaweed type). =D I didn't get a chocolate type for the BR above because my dad doesn't like chocolate ice-cream. >.< But will certainly get it one day. Anyone sharing this sweet craze of mine???

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