Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The CHC Graduation Yearbook

I haven't read much of the yearbook. Maybe I'll read it in depth, one day, when the memories aren't so fresh and haunting. When things aren't still there in my mind.

In my head.

I still can't get the thoughts out of my mind, what could be, and what could have been. Being emotional is useless, a fly in the ointment. Feeling blue isn't going to help anything. Dwelling on the past isn't going to help the future. The world will be still turning, blah blah blah.

I know all that already.

So all the thoughts of CHC, my first high school, were pushed to the back of my mind in a cramped little corner. No use thinking, no use missing. And clearly now I am still reluctant to release the memories. I am afraid if I do, they will all come rushing back at once and be too much to handle. What would I become then?

With regards to the book itself, it is pretty impressive. I can't compare it with yearbooks published in the past years, I've barely seen the past ones. You see, nobody except the graduating Form is required to buy the book. After all it is about them, for them, by them. The lower forms could buy the books if they want, if they have tons of friends in the graduating Form, which obviously I don't back in CHC. I was quite reserved at that time. (By the way, it is better to buy it one or two years later. The price after a couple of years is hilarious.)

Anyway, the book is really amazing. Hardback, with a black background and a simple three-colour design on top. Very, very simple, but very, very professional-looking. No animals/people/plants, just three primary colours. And the words 4ever Young. Okay that took some of the professionalism away. 4ever? Honestly. Unless the "4" means something (which I'm pretty sure it doesn't), I see no reason for the "4" instead of "For". Words convey strong meanings and feelings, and internet slangs won't produce as much emotions. But anyway.
(Update: My best friends who are aware of the meaning filled me in on it after reading about this. According to them, the "4" in 4ever and "O" in Young are specially in white, and together it's "40", which equals the 40th Yearbook of CHC. Thanks guys for the input. ^.^ )

At the back the minimalistic design continues with spots of coloured lights and bars. Bottom is the school's logo, as well as name and contact details. On the spine of the book is the logo (sure looks nice) and chinese wording of the book title, translating into something like 40th Senior Graduation Yearbook of SMJK Chung Hwa Confucian. Still in three primary colours, except for the first "2" in 2012, which is green. =.= it breaks the pattern. Oh well. Haha.

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So I've chosen to open a few pages at a time. So far I've just flipped to the pages where my friends left their signatures and little messages. Most of them in the first class, since my friend (in that class) held the job of passing it to everyone to sign it. So those in the other classes wouldn't get to the book even though I probably know them. Anyway it was heartwarming, to say the truth. I laughed through almost all of them and half-talking to myself. Lol, right? Below are the signatures and messages left by 5S1, for me.

1st spread
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2nd spread
3rd Spread
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Last page

I haven't read through the other contents, because I didn't want to go emotional overload. *I couldn't even go see his profile and his description in his class.* So I can't comment on the content. But I'm sure it'll be good, some of my good friends are inside the committee, you see, and I have complete confidence in them.

=D Thanks to those who signed. You kinda made my day (or days). ^.^

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Do let me know what you think! :)