Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Overwhelming Mundaneness

I will never believe that there will be one day when I'll say that reading+watching TV on internet+surfing the web+chatting on Facebook+playing games on both computer AND phone+eating+bathing+sleeping IS SO OMFG MUNDANE.

It's another word for B-O-R-I-N-G, in case you don't know.

There, I said it.

Life after (and before) SPM is SO boring.


It's driving me INSANE.

It's another word for C-R-A-Z-Y, in case you don't know.

I don't comprehend how some people can stay at home almost all day for god-knows how many years, without a job, without studying, without anything but just staying at home and doing all above things. How can they NOT go crazy? How can they not become insane?

Are their minds really so pathetically slothful?

GOD. Don't they CRAVE something to stimulate their minds (not drugs) besides computer games? Don't they want to know anything, or learn anything new, or go somewhere new, or meet new people? Don't they want to, you know, get on with their lives?

I am SO stuck here without anything. Anything stimulating, that is. Am keeping myself occupied by thinking up new posts for this blog, but soon it'll turn mundane too if I don't have anything interesting to write about.

Argh. And I can't even escape to somewhere different and far away (e.g: KL) to maybe continue my education or something. I have to stay here, because I'm halfway through obtaining a driving license, and obviously I would need a driving license to be really free anywhere else (besides getting caught in traffic jams). I'm not saying that Penang isn't great, it IS great, it's the greatest place on Earth, and I will DEFINITELY be feeling homesickness everyday, but I HAVE to take that LEAP.

That big LEAP that would get me prepared for leaping across the oceans and continents.

But for now, this moment, I have to ESCAPE THIS MUNDANENESS. KILL IT, somehow. Anything, anyone?

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