Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Little Cute Nephew--Henrick

Henrick came to visit again~

He's the cutest nephew I've ever had...and he's the closest nephew I can get by blood relations...

He's my half-brother's 4 year old son..
(truth is, he's only 3 years old, because he was born on Christmas Day..)

He's FULL of energy, spoilt rotten by his mom and has a "naughty" streak...but he can be SO cute as well. He has eyes that melt people...@@

I only see him about once a year, but we still remember each other.
I love him!
Grow up well, 'kay, Henrick?

His various face expressions:

Hmm...what's this?

Let's blow and see if it flies~

I catch!

My other nephews...playing with iPhone 4

Even Henrick likes iPhones..

See, we're friends XD


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