Sunday, July 8, 2012

Form5 life is...


 It's only January and the pressure is suffocating. SOS, anyone? Nobody bothers about a possible 2012 apocalypse...according to everyone, SPM is still on...
and the thing is, even if the 2012 End-Of-The-World happens, it is after SPM...T.T I feel strapped to a bomb about to detonate everytime I saw the red numbers on the countdown clock at school...=.=

And that makes me down~ :(

 Not looking forward to another year full of subjects that I absolutely dislike but must score for the sake of my future~

This year I'm sitting with GinYin...a classmate I barely know and barely talk to for the past 12 months...but we have talked more than 12 months in just a week. Haha.

What's good is I have someone to talk to in class this year..last year I spent a majority of my time talking to the wall and daydreaming at the back of the class.
So for the sake of my SPM I opted to sit in front of the class this year to maximise my hearing and vision of whatever teacher's teaching...

 So far I've been ok at my studies and GY has a sense of humour which means fits of laughing almost every 5 minutes...(stopped by JinYing's "SHHH" beside me...@@)

 My social circle has improved after being exposed to classmates previously not having anything to do with before...which is a good thing since this means I can survive when both JM and WQ are absent..haha.

Sejarah teacher has expressed his concern "tak patut terjejas oleh kawan di sebelah kamu..."

Speaking of teachers, the choice of teachers we had this year is the same as last year save for a few...even if we dislike a teacher's way of teaching, we really still have to accept...for the sake of ourselves..because teachers always win...:( (Learnt that the hard way)

Emotional life is fine now~had a fling (not anything serious), and now back to single life with no attachments except toward the various subjects I'm taking and am having a date with SPM in November.

Life's gonna be tough now~
But I will survive.. (hopefully)

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