Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sorry this blog has to be shut down le...sorry for any inconvenience...

No time write le.

So i want shut down this blog le.

Need 2 prepare 4 pmr i don hv time keep online...sorry 4 any inconvenience.

Hope these posts are good enuf...^^

Haiz. Shut down life le...k lah

This is my last post...bye all.

Haha lie d
Happy April Fool!
haha i do dao alison n R...hahaha...
i told alison no choir...
den i told R i din bring my book 4 him copy...
tio kena d xpression so funny...hahaha
^^don angry me...jz playing...:P

1 comment:

  1. lol...><
    haha....i din kena:P
    love you...
    u call who don angry???
    haha...sry la 2day lyk dat....b....u...l...l...y u:(


Do let me know what you think! :)