Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sportz Dayz...

Today is stupid :P

Sports day today. Went stadium as usual...found MJ first. The day still so dark...den we go queue at our own class...saw WY at prefect's. Den saw can't see dl anywhere...

2day duty at the hadiah hot...HOT!! I keep at thr say hot hot hot 2 EC n MJ...hotz. Still wear that so cham d uniform n gloves...><
Finally saw DL...looks lyk he's late....:O he saw me n i smile at him.

Later marching...saw them all team so funny...haha lyk bandits...:P they march wif dat red handkerchief over his face....hahaxx so 毁容 n mj laugh n laugh...
Girl guide ok la...not so good...i think BB in d end dey didn't win d...dunno la. Saw R looking lyk a 小和尚...d child d...haha really...:P

Did my jobs, run errands, finish some food...whole day cnt pei DL...n so hot n boring thr...><..i sms him once using EC's phone....later MJ n EC's went to buy thgs eat...den i keep w8 dem 2 come back so i cn go...>< dey so slow...i panic ki...wen i cn go...i half-run go find DL...keep look around. 

I siao ki or wat la, panic until didn't see dao V n frens right in front, almost bump into dem...><
Finally found DL at d green team 喘 nia.Pei him sit n talk lo...jj took our pics...(i am SO stim) den i jia you him lo.

Later my tchr suddenly vry interested in my
keep ask n give le a LOT of advice...haha thx i will rmb...
she ask me 他乖meh...haha...dl vry 坏 meh??
den EC say he 对 me vry gd...haha thxx.
Then DL go his fren injured den fall so 弃权...
nvm la. still got many more times. 
just i cnt c...le.

After sports me n huijie go out...

Heard ty break wif jq le....2 weeks nia... ty told her direct she jz replace jy d...>< wtf...poor jq...
ty so bad d...even if u don lyk her, y muz u hurt her lyk dat...she do le wat being personality a bit same wif jy call wrong...she is so innocent k...><

If you dont know how to appreciate, pls do the girls in this world a favour...keep away from us and be single la! It will save a lot of ppl from hurt n misery...

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