Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Argue argue argue..

Why we keep argue?

N y i can't be more cincai?

Y muz coz of perfection i go argue?

Maybe coz i want do everythg perfect liao ka let ppl look

Dat is always my habit

Lyk yesterday shade d cat drawing

Do dao half i don lyk ppl come look


Its still not an excuse 2 luan luan angry

I just cnt control my temper

I dunno y

Since i ask can i have a best fren

He lyk a little bit suspicious of me

Liao we say dao vry serious ki

Den he noe is who

Den i oso got write...den i din let him he ald go look my blog

den i angry lo

I always lyk dis d...i din say can den if ppl go do i will really angry d

But he is still my bf so i cnt simply do lyk dat ma rite...

And i dowan say sry....i nvr say sry d...i mean 2 frens d arguments. I hate saying sry.

Maybe i got wrong..i dunno. I just feel very irritated n annoyed...

Coz my blog is lyk my diary, i din say can look den ppl go look is lyk take my diary n read lyk dat.

So....i dunno. Just feel really upset.

N we also keep argue...keep argue den in d end he let me win d argument

But y muz we argue in d 1st plc?

Laz time i dunno y i bcom confused.....

Do I luv him, or do i not? I mean seriously in love dat kind. Seriously.

Den keep confused a few days...den acting in front of no one can help me

Confused dao think many solutions...fortunately din choose d worst d...

Den i got a new solution...nw thgs are ok...but sometimes little things go wrong between us i will easily mad...

hz....cham le...cham le...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


2010 年 1 月 17 日, 早上9时, 你,在做什么呢?


 17 位学生和一名顾问老师兴致勃勃地出发于五条路的港口,在大海中体会实际的练习。9 时许, 当大家决定返回时,就遇难了。





17 日, 早上寻获老师秦裕翔尸体,下午寻获其一名学生庄纬翔尸体。12 名学生成功获救,一些是拼命游上岸,一些被渔夫救上来了。



但是,故事未末。 18日,早上8时其一名学生,吴奕樟的尸体被寻获;中午当另名学生杨延开被提上岸时已断气;下午4时,最后两名失踪的学生,黄雍翔及谢子俊的冰冷尸体也被拉上来了。

惊人!顷刻间,6条年轻生命就被夺走了。 一夜之间,6个家庭都失去了一位成员。

可怜啊。 一见此闻,真的,真地为他们感到好心酸。学校才刚开课,转角就是新年,新的开始。却对他们6家来说,是个新的结束。

5 名 学生都是品学兼优的好学生,就连老师以前也是曾STPM全A。可惜,他们再也读不到书,世界就这样少去了一名好老师,5名未来能为社会付出莫大贡献的青年了。






其中一名死者是我干哥之友,偶尔几次曾见过。其他虽不相识,也算是"同胞"吧!这件事轰动全国,在槟城的中学生更为震惊吧! 可悲~




Friday, January 15, 2010

Im getting desperate?


Just passed our 5th month anniversary...happy anniversary to us!

This is taken out from my diary so not word by word, but this is what my 2day diary entry

dl...(ya ya ya him agn...i din even count hw many times his name appear in my diaries)

Hmm...I'll start off with saying:

I love Delien.

Lol....say liao.

And...I...(zzz this is hard....typing feelings out loud...writing in my diary is much better)

And I...keep getting more and more in love with him...

And...more and more desperate to be with him.

(say liao)


And he wasn't like that at all....

(say liao...)

Wait. Listen 2 me first. Not that I want him to be so crazy over me that he forgot everything else in his life. He has a LIFE of his own. He has his friends, his studies, his sports, his family, etc.

And I didn't say he doesn't love me, he still does. I know, I know he loves me.

But after so much....he still hasn't improve, or change, somehow. Change as in change for better.

Of course I don't want him to stop loving me. His love has a magical effect on me. (desperation showing agn?)

But...hz. I gt feel a bit d worthless.

Sometimes he seem so preoccupied, sometimes lost in thought, sometimes nt smiling and look unhappy...

I didn't suspect him or what becuase I trust him.

Coz when we're definitely alone he's more focused.

But why, why am I so addicted 2 him? 

If I tell him my frustration at not being to be with him, he said nothing. Or just lol. ><

Sometimes I hurt, sometimes I fed up, so in the end I don't want say le.

Sometimes I hate saying because later he will think me so desperate.

Mayb was I supposed 2 act cool and calm and not so crazy? 

After dat day i say dat i will love dl forever....13/12/09, i was really really trusting him completely with myself. I was reading through my old diaries (after doing homework la...) and saw that I have really change after dat time...i mean bfor dat we were a bit distant...nw nt liao ma...

But he didn't change. 

14 Sep d him and 14 Jan d him still same d....T.T

Anything wrong with me?

Monday, January 11, 2010

New latest design~n one of d best days ever~

Hw is my newest blog design?

Haha....I think dis is really special and beautiful...very simple also very elegant d...i lyk d pink flowery border...and the very plain black background makes the pink flowers really 显眼...^^

There's another design i really lyk, but dunno y cnt put comments liao, so i din put dat design...dat one is also vry nice...

Today stay back with dl n jj in library~~we do hm 2gether...

Hmm den hor dl's fren tel dl he got prefect interview tmr...den dl vry den wen i ask he keep say nth...== i cn c dao d k? i cn c d worry in his eyes d. Cnt fool dao me d. Hehe...den in d end i geram liao he ka tel He worry time vry scary d....yer dl don do dat la...i wil takut u....hahax

hahaxxx...3 mor days...want 5 mths mths!!! 5 5 long le...

N im happy 2 say...

Our love is still so strong~

I love you~dl~forever~

Monday, January 4, 2010

FIRST day of school

Today is first day of school....


I n HJ so excited dat we run 2 d buildings....hahaha...:P den we stepped into our new class....

Some of d usually early students arrived already...and the tables and chairs are super nice d....not like the rest of dem in dat F3 building...^^yay~~

Then I found a place under the fan for myself, beside Jia Hui in the 2nd row....(she took the best place...T.T haha...)

Some spots were even BOOKED for ppl who didn't come yet....hahax...

On a better note, when my frens n I go around the building we saw HJ n her someone talking 2gether near the stairs. We immediately turn back fr where we came from. Haha then Elysia call sorry den I call 走错路...haha yai leh.

Our form teacher is Lim Kok Hoe...he's so scary. >< Then he changed our places until WY n JJ both seperated fr me. T.T ...To my front is JiaYean who always talk nonsense, behind me Chen Dong is so my right have nth 2 talk to Jia my left...PW...don even want to look at her. So I'm very bored. :( Walao the canteen tiny ki...><

Then after recess...when I was at outside of my class dl first time say 我爱你 2 me out loud....haha he's so ps n so sweet...hahaxx...i was 2 shocked 2 ans....haha love you too dl...

Oh ya, YH continues 2 be monitor for 3A...(very funny lo, coz when d form tchr come in first time we all [not me] look at him like it was his tanggungjawab to say bangun...hahax den he ma no choice coz everyone wait 4 him...hahax...den after dat he say 你们够力...hahax)

And Jue Jan become assistant monitor...hahax she's 迟早 d la...

A lot of people become senior prefects le...dey all look so pro nia...hehe...then also got a new girl fr 北海中灵...she come in after recess. I got help her a bit coz she sit behind me.

Datz all lo~~dl ltr pei me out d gate....haha.........

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Yay love Taylor Swift's songs~~ I'm really really REALLY very 挑剔....hehe don't like all of her songs...some of them seem quite horrible (really) but then there are some really nice ones....

Hmm...for example...

Top 10 best songs of goes~

White Horse:

Click for lyrics

(This is only put on the list because I like the chorus...hehe its abt heartbreak...dat a boy don appreciate a girl....T.T)

You belong with me:

Click for lyrics

(Ok la...not bad...not very good either...abt a girl...lyk a boy...den dat a gf ald...)


Forever And Always:

Click for lyrics

(A tie between these two...this is a heartbreak song too...where d boy broke up wif d girl..T.T...nice chorus anyway)

The Way I love you:

Click for lyrics

(This is one of the newer songs I heard...its nice~abt a girl saying abt her bf...hehe...)

I'd Lie:
Click for lyrics

(This is also nice, especially at chorus..abt a girl and her best male friend...)

The Best day:

Click for lyrics

(This is one of the songs that doesn't involves boy n girl~~its a song dedicated 2 a mother.)

And the TOP 5....................
Ready? kk here goes...

Love story:

Click for lyrics (i think everybody have this memorized...XD)

(Made it to top 5 bt nt to top 3...coz hear until sien..hehe bt still really good...forbidden love! And also the first song I heard by T.Swift..)

Teardrops on my guitar:

Click for lyrics

(Hmm...this came so far up ar..hahax actually the lyrics are soooo touching...heard it bfor dl appear...cried d first few times listening 2 it...also a big heartbreak song...)

TOP these are sooo perfect...


I'm only me when i'm with you:

Click for lyrics

(This is great, especially at the chorus!!! Recommended!!! Abt a girl...wif her best friend [boy d] and she lyks him and is trying 2 tell him dat....)


Click for lyrics!!!

(This is one of d best songs ever.....ok for T.Swift songs turning 15 this year July...officially nw 15 though...haha I adore dis song......muackz :P jkjk)

AND d BEST song of all...........


Click for lyrics!!!!!! Click!!

(This is so perfect. I don't know which one to put as 1st....Fifteen or Fearless...I wish I can put two...><..but this song chorus kept running through my head so I put this as the first...Yay...this is abt a girl...with her bf...hahax on a first date? Haha...)

Listen 2 them!!!^^

Happy listening!!
^^ datz all 4 nw~~

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2 all~

Happy new year to everyone~

Life in 2009 has been devastating at the most and difficult at the least...well, until dl appear...hahax

Even that wasn't exactly pure bliss...:P

More of like bittersweet...

More of like struggling to stay close to him...

Funny that I should fall for him even though he isn't exactly my type...hehe

Funny that I should have cared so much that I tried so hard to keep him close...

But maybe that's what I'm to do, maybe we belong together despite all the differences at first.

I can safely say that he's the best bf I've ever had...not to mention the surprising fact that he's so supportive of my writing...never thought that someone would be THAT supportive..hehe...

2009...jj and I used to say that its one of the worst years...what with a death in my family, so many celebrity deaths, my horrible exams (never gotten a 4th since std 2 or 3...and that was just once...this year its twice in a row...><) saved in the end with a winning 1st...thanks to dl's confidence in me and my own willpower (driven mainly by others criticisms of us that we will never survive everything, and that my exams will drop...><

And I love dl...^^always~~~

love you delien forever and always~