Monday, January 4, 2010

FIRST day of school

Today is first day of school....


I n HJ so excited dat we run 2 d buildings....hahaha...:P den we stepped into our new class....

Some of d usually early students arrived already...and the tables and chairs are super nice d....not like the rest of dem in dat F3 building...^^yay~~

Then I found a place under the fan for myself, beside Jia Hui in the 2nd row....(she took the best place...T.T haha...)

Some spots were even BOOKED for ppl who didn't come yet....hahax...

On a better note, when my frens n I go around the building we saw HJ n her someone talking 2gether near the stairs. We immediately turn back fr where we came from. Haha then Elysia call sorry den I call 走错路...haha yai leh.

Our form teacher is Lim Kok Hoe...he's so scary. >< Then he changed our places until WY n JJ both seperated fr me. T.T ...To my front is JiaYean who always talk nonsense, behind me Chen Dong is so my right have nth 2 talk to Jia my left...PW...don even want to look at her. So I'm very bored. :( Walao the canteen tiny ki...><

Then after recess...when I was at outside of my class dl first time say 我爱你 2 me out loud....haha he's so ps n so sweet...hahaxx...i was 2 shocked 2 ans....haha love you too dl...

Oh ya, YH continues 2 be monitor for 3A...(very funny lo, coz when d form tchr come in first time we all [not me] look at him like it was his tanggungjawab to say bangun...hahax den he ma no choice coz everyone wait 4 him...hahax...den after dat he say 你们够力...hahax)

And Jue Jan become assistant monitor...hahax she's 迟早 d la...

A lot of people become senior prefects le...dey all look so pro nia...hehe...then also got a new girl fr 北海中灵...she come in after recess. I got help her a bit coz she sit behind me.

Datz all lo~~dl ltr pei me out d gate....haha.........

1 comment:

  1. to the building??hav to run ar? use walk tak boleh ar? the classroom wont disappear d la.. unless the classroom is ruin by some1 excited meh?...:P..haha...JH chosse a perfect plc ar...haha...booked plc for dem??nid buy ticket book air asia ar><....don....har(u noe wad im saying d ar...:P)hehe....canteen tiny ki ma gd lo...we cn sit together wif some excuses ma...:Pnt gd ar?haha...b a man hav to b brave a little ma...abo hw to protect u...even dis 3word pun tak booleh beritahu...den cham liao lo....haha...i noe V fr almost 7years liao...he action stil same..din change......hmn...ur dat new classmate i talk to her leh...hehe...wan noe wad??ask me at msn...:Phehe....k la...i love you young wife....:P


Do let me know what you think! :)