Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2 all~

Happy new year to everyone~

Life in 2009 has been devastating at the most and difficult at the least...well, until dl appear...hahax

Even that wasn't exactly pure bliss...:P

More of like bittersweet...

More of like struggling to stay close to him...

Funny that I should fall for him even though he isn't exactly my type...hehe

Funny that I should have cared so much that I tried so hard to keep him close...

But maybe that's what I'm to do, maybe we belong together despite all the differences at first.

I can safely say that he's the best bf I've ever had...not to mention the surprising fact that he's so supportive of my writing...never thought that someone would be THAT supportive..hehe...

2009...jj and I used to say that its one of the worst years...what with a death in my family, so many celebrity deaths, my horrible exams (never gotten a 4th since std 2 or 3...and that was just once...this year its twice in a row...><) saved in the end with a winning 1st...thanks to dl's confidence in me and my own willpower (driven mainly by others criticisms of us that we will never survive everything, and that my exams will drop...><

And I love dl...^^always~~~

love you delien forever and always~


  1. haha...happy new year to u i appear ar?frm the rock??hw ar hw i appear d ar??:P ...hehe...hope dis year u will b exactly pure bliss...:P i will alwayz n forever support u true la...wy n is it horrible??i used to b dis too...jz like me n dat ckz><...haha...i will support wadever u do...i love you too...

  2. do i noe hw u appear

    ya..hope dis year i will b blissfully happy~

    i hate pmr.

    XD shh don tell anyone abt wy n kj...datz secret.

    hahax ya...horrible...totally horrible...>< hz what d hell cn i do? out of ideas...><

    love you too~ y.a


Do let me know what you think! :)