Monday, January 4, 2016

Birthday Bar-Hopping

I always like to take candid pictures because I like the random feels haha

Okay I'll make pictures large and not x-large because it's directly from phone and I'm fugly.

So on his birthday we decided to go bar-hopping because we hadn't done it before (I know, we're such good kids) AND he never believed me when I said my alcohol tolerance is quite good (because I don't really drink; I drank only a few times before? Once red, twice rose, once spritzer and once sake). And I decided I wanted to prove it once and for all (plus I really trust him - don't do this with people you don't trust ever *in case anyone younger is reading this* because you might not know your limit and might get more drunk than you thought lol). . :D

The first was red wine with our lamb dinner. (sorry idk how to take food pics) It was rather spicy, I haven't had spicy ones before. Basically it was just a dinner drink and I've had reds before, so nothing much. But it's funny how almost two years ago I couldn't do the same without going woozy lolol. (I couldn't even finish a glass then)

Then because I said I've always heard Scotland is great for its whisky but have never tried it (because the people I hang out with don't drink and I don't trust anyone anyway) we went into another bar for whisky. It's my first time having some and I didn't know the ABV level for whisky is 40%+ and they came in a small glass in a tiny amount. I thought it'd be too little until I drank a bit and then I was just like:


This bit only!
complimentary mint chocolates

Nothing warms you up as fast as a shot of whisky seriously. OAO it's like wasabi it goes up your nose but it makes you feel super warm at the same time. After abit I can brave any kind of cold outside haha. Then we decided to look for some vodka so we entered this very crowded bar and asked for some, but they only sold in bottles so we had some white wine instead. But when you've had some straight up whisky before, white wine feels really tame because you can drink a gulp and still equals a sip of whisky.

Not drunk yet!

After white wine we still wanted very much to get some vodka so we entered another less-crowded more-elegant bar where they STILL don't sell vodka by shots, so we had some martinis (I forgot which he got, but I had the French martini with vanilla cream, raspberry and vodka) (so technically it's still vodka!) because Poirot always has a martini because he thinks it's classy unlike beer (if you don't know who Poirot is, he's this super famous Belgian detective in Agatha Christie's murder mysteries). I agree with Poirot tho, I think martinis are my favourite alcoholic drink. Or maybe just the creamy ones cause mine's like melted vanilla and berry ice-cream wtf. At this point he's getting visibly unlike-himself (ok he's abit high lol) because he's always this very controlled person with emotions under check. Like even when he acts goofy it's still a controlled response, like he decides it be so. But at this point he's less controlled (ok maybe cause he smiles uncontrollably a lot more lolol)  and it's just funny watching him agree to anything instantly and being a bit too excited than usual (because he always super calm and stable). At this point I'm also a little bit weird but at least I can still notice changes haha.

Mine's the one with the raspberry :D

Honestly when you're high it's hard to stop, so we ended up at another bar when the martini one closes (omg it closes at like 10, are you even serious) which is abit seedier than the previous one (but still not too bad, it's just rather empty with this solo guitarist belting out tunes and few people clapping after every song). Like somewhere to go if you're feeling shit or depressed and want some booze. Anyway I was too lazy (more like enough alcohol to not give a shit) to pick what to have so we chose a Long Island and a margarita on the rocks because they sounded familiar haha. The margarita was nice with salt on the glass rim, but the Long Island was better (because it's iced tea!) Again if anyone younger is reading this do not fgs have a Long Island because it can really tip you over if you're not used to alcohol since it contains five different shots of >40% alcohol content liquors in its ingredient list. It's SUPER nice though because it tastes like entirely like iced lemon tea as they put lemon and cola in it but there's definitely a difference before and after.

technically we pda even without being drunk
so this isn't a valid drunk proof
looking innocently like just any other iced lemon tea and 100plus

Because we went home afterwards haha cause we can feel the drunkenness creeping up already and if we don't get home in time and end up at another bar one of us (probably me but he's not far away!) will probably pass out and we still have to walk home quite a long way lolz. So we ended our bar-hopping (I really wanted one more though!) and went home and I fell asleep like 10 minutes after I got back haha. At least I know for a fact that we weren't like those drunk people we keep seeing in the wee morning hours being loud and annoying.

Okay I was abit hungover in the morning - I woke up twice and had abit of a headache both times but it's not as bad as my usual migraines so it didn't really annoy me as long as I sleep it off. I didn't puke or anything though so everything's fine when I got up and we had breakfast. The best part of it all is him grudgingly admitting that my tolerance is as good as him (abit lower than him because I'm more woozy in the end but he can control his wooziness) ahaha. Well at least I never practised but he used to be really shitty at it until his colleagues used to pull him along for drinks so often until he got better at it (my level!) lol. But my parents don't have a drinking habit so it must be some ancestral genes haha.

They're not kidding about their whisky selection. There's more behind.
It's funny how we used to talk about many things and he used to tell me about his drunk stories when we were hanging out as friends and I'd be super interested and wanted him to take me out for drinks someday (but we both knew it won't happen since we're not together and stuff) but now we're here bar-hopping together as a couple and him drinking with me (because some guys don't drink and it's pretty boring if you bring a guy out bar-hopping but he doesn't drink and sits around watching you and then taking you home later like a father) but at the same time me safely knowing that he knows his limit and he'll always protect me no matter what. It's not fun if you're addicted and keep doing it, but it's definitely a lot of fun once in a while doing a bunch of things together like this, and having someone who won't nag and be upset that you wanna go bar-hopping, but will accompany you to have fun together and then take care of you later. :)

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