Thursday, June 25, 2015

Little Cosplay Stories Series - Masterpost

So I was rolling around Facebook looking for some interesting things to blog (because my life is empty right now HAHA)
Really annoying right - I don't post when I'm busy, and I have nothing to post when I'm not lmao..

When I stumbled upon this really funny series of comics that detailed very-true experiences of cosplayers and cosplay photographers/videographers.

Now I rarely (only once?) post about cosplaying on my blog because I imagine that if anybody's interested they'd already be on my cosplay FB account (the name is Chachamaru if you're interested), so there's not much point posting the same pictures again on my blog.

(although my only cosplay post had a few hundred views so maybe it's a traffic attraction haha)

I'm still quite new (not past a year yet) so there's a lot of things I haven't learnt, especially makeup skills because I don't do makeup outside of cosplay, and there's a limited number of characters I can do well (the ones that actually match my personality).
But I found these little comics to ring true and bring funny memories to mind so I had an idea of sharing personal anecdotes along with the comic pictures here whenever I'm free.

The comics are drawn by Think.Nu, a group composed of "aspiring videographers, photographers and designers dedicated to promoting fresh ideas for audiences."
Here's the link to their Facebook page:

I've gotten permission from them to post their little comic pictures here with credits :)
And I hope it'll be fun for you (and me) to read haha ;)
 photo michelinsig_zpsa49edca5.png

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