Monday, June 29, 2015














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Friday, June 26, 2015

Cosplay Stories #1

My first "cosplay" came from the first Halloween I celebrated at my college. We were encouraged to dress up, and one of my best friends was an avid makeup artist, and she was really excited to help make me up as an alien. We spent time researching on how I would look like and what she wanted to be. I don't even know what she was going to do to me haha. She stayed over at my place and woke up really early to get us all done :'D

This was how weird I looked back then :'D
Two years ago lol

And this is creepy Mar with her scary clown + lab coat + needle

Although I did not jump into cosplay because of Halloween, it is definitely the first time I dressed up as something haha.
I don't even look creepy. 

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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Little Cosplay Stories Series - Masterpost

So I was rolling around Facebook looking for some interesting things to blog (because my life is empty right now HAHA)
Really annoying right - I don't post when I'm busy, and I have nothing to post when I'm not lmao..

When I stumbled upon this really funny series of comics that detailed very-true experiences of cosplayers and cosplay photographers/videographers.

Now I rarely (only once?) post about cosplaying on my blog because I imagine that if anybody's interested they'd already be on my cosplay FB account (the name is Chachamaru if you're interested), so there's not much point posting the same pictures again on my blog.

(although my only cosplay post had a few hundred views so maybe it's a traffic attraction haha)

I'm still quite new (not past a year yet) so there's a lot of things I haven't learnt, especially makeup skills because I don't do makeup outside of cosplay, and there's a limited number of characters I can do well (the ones that actually match my personality).
But I found these little comics to ring true and bring funny memories to mind so I had an idea of sharing personal anecdotes along with the comic pictures here whenever I'm free.

The comics are drawn by Think.Nu, a group composed of "aspiring videographers, photographers and designers dedicated to promoting fresh ideas for audiences."
Here's the link to their Facebook page:

I've gotten permission from them to post their little comic pictures here with credits :)
And I hope it'll be fun for you (and me) to read haha ;)
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Life After IB

HAHA only 3 posts in 2015.
What have I been doing???


Life after IB has been about -

Dota 2 (trying to not be a noob)
Maimai (trying to be good at this~ it's been enjoyable so far)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (this is too good! except for the dating system lmao)
Puzzle and Dragons (came back to it suddenly haha)
Persona 3 (haven't finish after leaving it near the end for 1 year lmao)
Persona 4 (might never finish)

Cosplay Shoots (omg so many I feel like dying haha)
Cosplay Events (making preparations...)
Lightroom editing (yay I have the trial version! ((what haha)) )
Sleeping (been sleeping too much lately..)
Moving back to Penang (obviously)
Trying to grow my hair to my waist (it's super slow idk why but kinda working haha)

Watching anime:
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (Tohsaka Rin ftw)
Fate/Zero (Kerry ftw)
Shokugeki no Souma (Megumi x Souma ftw)
Danmachi (harem ftw. Aiz ftw)

Trying to download TERA (might fail cause too lazy it's 30gb)

Picking up shooting games (maybe, if got people teman)

Worshipping Tohsaka Rin (HAHAHAHAHA)

I've been cosplaying a lot and I really enjoy the shoots and post-editing parts :) obviously the part where I get the parcels too haha it's like opening presents for myself. I might be posting little cosplay stories here sometimes but I'll try not to like drown this blog with cosplay cause it's just a part of my life. Interested parties may view cosplay pictures at my Facebook (Chachamaru) so I'll only put like one or two for show if I ever talk about cosplay. :)

I've been playing a bunch of different games on different consoles and in arcades and in cyber cafes and everything has been pretty fun as long as I won't get hurt :3 I've been playing Bejeweled-style games, rhythm games, MMORPGs, turn-based RPGs, action RPGs~ might play shooter if there's someone who's willing to play with me :D
Haha I don't sound like a good girl that people like to assume that I am here, but honestly tho I really like a variety of games and I love playing these things that I never played in my childhood lmao.

I'm also watching a bunch of animes :D Fate series are just tooooo good and I've never regretted watching it the correct way - FSN first and the prequel FZ afterward. So many people watch it the other way around which completely destroys the FSN experience imo. Btw I love Tohsaka Rin :D she's like the goddess in my character list because our personalities match almost exactly.

I'll write more again :)
(I promise this time haha)
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What I Feel After IB Finals...

I can't believe I didn't write a post after finishing one of the most tortuous programmes in my life haha.

Results will be out in less than two weeks and I'm nervous as shit :"D
As far as I think, I didn't do that well in finals? I know it's just my assumptions and I'm biased but I had a pretty tough exam timetable with all my HLs sticking together, so I kinda felt that even without the horrible late-night-early-morning cramming, I would still be really tired from all the stress and thinking during the exams.

But oh well it isn't really my position to criticise it so there's not much I could do except give it my best shot. I really want to go to Oxford since I've made it this far (I've Firmed Oxford and Insured Edinburgh after half a year of thought :'D) but if I didn't make the grade then I'll have to go to my Insurance choice, which was my initial Firm pick so it's all good :)

I know Edinburgh isn't as high as UCL on the rankings but -
-It's more green and countryside in Scotland
-It has calmer surroundings, less noisy/pollution
-It has the best Linguistics department in UK (it topped the charts a couple years back iirc)
-The old town of Edinburgh is beautiful

I know anything good I say about UCL will shake my resolve so I'm not going to say it haha since I've already made my decision.

It's exciting that I'm going though! (It'll be really bad luck if I couldn't cause Edinburgh only asks 34 lol) I've gone to the BTN camp thingy and all I now need is my final results. I'm really praying for Oxford haha. I know I said I didn't want to go before, but since yolo-ing has taken me so far, now I don't want to throw away the miracle that I've been offered haha.

But I don't think I did well lah..
I kinda screwed up my English Paper 1 because I blanked out at the poem (which was the easy one out of the two) so I did the prose which was harder. *flips self*
I kinda screwed up my French essays (not to mention that stupid oral test haha) because I had to find alternatives for vocab that I forgot (such as the word for "month")
I kinda screwed up my Economics (everything) because it was sorta hard this year? (said everyone) so I don't know what's gonna happen to it.
I kinda screwed up my Psychology because I have no idea if what I've always written for school exams are up to IB standard (erm sorta fml there lol)
I kinda screwed up my Biology because I effed up with the drawing of the heart and some essay shit which I hope isn't as bad as I remember.
I definitely screwed up my Math because I have no idea at all for some really difficult questions which almost the whole world was furious about as well *breaks down*...
I kinda screwed up TOK because I have no idea what I'm writing/presenting and I don't know if it's up to IB standard.
I might screw up my Extended Essay even though I love it because my teacher supervisor didn't really comment much on it ;w;

So I screwed up IB and am nervously waiting for results that might open Oxford gates.



I'm so screwed.


I'm seriously not kidding when I say I might get really bad results okay ;w; why does no one believe me?
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