Tuesday, January 6, 2015

First Post of 2015!

It's a New Year and I'm back here! To be honest I always have things to blog about running through my mind, but most of the time I'm either too tired, or have something to rush, or is doing some other hobby, or am out.

So I've abandoned this place for awhile, and judging from the coming months of IB horror I don't think I'll be here much until after my finals (I'll definitely be around more often after May) and I guess I'll be updating all the backlogs here by then.

May 2015 be blessed with sparkling joy!
Things have changed quite a bit since I last posted (when ah? September omg I've been MIA for 3 months) and I'm here to update the important bits, since this place functions partly as a diary as well. I've been procrastinating as usual on work, but I managed to rush some of them out in November right before December holidays, so I GUESS I'm still on track, but I haven't started my EE, as in start writing, and Ms N wants the whole thing tomorrow so maybe this will be my last post as I lay dying.

I'm quite sure I can finish my EE (as in, a good draft, not a draft that needs 5-6 times of correction like everybody else) in 2 weeks, but I need to finish all my other IAs so that I can concentrate D:

I'm doing good on the cosplaying side, attended Comic Fiesta 2014 in December. It was a total blast despite super sore feet and having to rush around on tight schedules, so I couldn't really see every booth, but there were so many people and even though most of my friends and groupmates met me for the first time, they literally ran across the place to hug me >3< I think it gave me a lot of motivation since the cosplay drama can be horrific and like in every community, there are mean people around :(

Here's a collage made by a friend of all my cosplays (except the bottom left) in 2014 :D

I didn't even know that I already did 7 characters :D I guess time really flies. I'm redoing Asuna's again though, since it was my second one and I sucked somewhat back then, and I really love her :D
I'll be cosplaying more characters (mostly from Love Live!) this year, and I really hope to meet more new and friendly people as well as being good at reselling my stuff so I can fund myself lolol.

In the university section, I've gotten four offers as of now from UK. Initially I wanted to apply to the US and Canada, but then offers started coming in so I supposed it didn't matter that much anymore that I apply elsewhere, and so I have only applied to the UK (also that I'm a huge sloth so I didn't even manage to prepare my certs and stuff for US lol)

I'm glad I applied early because I got my offers earlier, even though it didn't make any decisions easier to make. I've gotten Conditional Offers from:

  • University of Edinburgh
  • University College London
  • King's College London
  • Lancaster University

I got LU's first, but since that's one of my safeties, I didn't make a big deal out of it, but when I got Edin's offer I was shamelessly mini-screaming in the Student Success room LOL since I really like Edinburgh's course and not-big-city kind of place. Then I got King's College offer, which made me laugh because I applied for English Lang and Linguistics but mentioned nothing in my PS about English Lang since I applied Psychology and Linguistics for the other unis. And they sent me an offer which actually surprised me haha. Well I guess I get to back out of Psych if need to :P

UCL just sent in their offer (like, a week ago) and I was actually happy because UCL has the best tailored course to my liking (as in almost every unit they make me study is useful for my future pursuits instead of general shiz that has nothing to do with life, like, you know, integration.)

And then Oxford sent me an invitation for interview, which surprised me so much that I literally died and came back alive because I wasn't expecting for an invitation. It's not that I don't think I've got the potential, but more like I applied half-assedly because there was one more space in UCAS and I don't have any other universities in mind, so it's more like "hey, let's yolo and try Oxbridge".

Initially I wanted to apply to Cambridge because they sent their reps here to conduct interviews, and the counsellors from University Placement suck in the sense that nobody can confirm that Oxford offers Skype interviews. Anyway the college sucks a second time by putting the internal deadline one whole month earlier than the actual deadline, so I missed it (and even though I already finished all the forms and COPA and shiz they still don't let me apply even though I missed only by a week).

So I ended up applying to Oxford without really thinking too much about it. I was even like "if they don't let me Skype, I'm not going then". lol. I didn't really include it in my future plans, but instead put Edin and UCL as my most interested plans. I even yolo through the preliminary tests. One of the reasons why I had wanted Cambridge was because they don't ask you to sit for tests first, but Oxford screens you with quite-expensive tests, which for me were TSA and MLAT. TSA is a Thinking Skills test with 60 questions (which I didn't finish) and a TOK-ish essay (which I had no idea what I was writing, something about "how sure are you if reality is not another dream?"). MLAT on the other hand is (for me) a Linguistics test, which I didn't finish in time but manage to scribble some shot-in-the-dark answers. MLAT was fun though.

I won't go into detail about the interviews right now because it's 3am and college starts tomorrow, but it was a horrible and awesome experience at the same time. I'll update again about it (I think it deserves a post on its own because the fun part was really fun), but I walked away feeling that I won't be surprised with either decision (accepted/rejected) and that it's kinda a 50% chance. I'm not sure what they base me on since I'm pretty sure my test results suck (and there everyone is worrying about tests on the forums lol) so I guess I'd like to think that my PS helped a lot, since that's the only part I really put effort into.

The decision will come on 7th of July (tomorrow technically since it's now 3am) and even though I won't be surprised either way, I'll still be ultra nervous while opening my mailbox (UCAS never helps by putting the subject as "SOMETHING HAS CHANGED ON YOUR TRACK" orz). And I'll be equally delighted/disappointed either way, I suppose I am human after all LOL.

I suppose that's all I'll be writing tonight, I'm going to snooze now so that I can face Ms N with a straight face tomorrow and tell her I have no EE to show. Oh well. At least Mr K will be happy that I finally send in my 8-month-delay Math IA (because I suck at Math).

P.S: I don't really have a habit of making New Year Resolutions haha. I suppose I will make a list if I have time tomorrow.
 photo michelinsig_zpsa49edca5.png

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