Sunday, September 7, 2014

50 Truths About Me (Extended Version)

There's this 20 truths about me thingy going around on Facebook and I've done it too, and because Facebook stuff easily become lost, I wanted to transfer them here so that I can read them in the future and see if I'm still the same. Also, readers here get to read them as well LOL.
This is an extended version including 50 things about me yay (although I'm not sure if anyone would care to read lolol)

If you know all 50 about me, you're probably the closest human to me in life and afterlife (I don't think my parents or my best friends know all anyway)
If you know more than 40, you're golden. Like, truly, shine bright like a diamond. <3
If you know more than 30, you're a really really good friend! :D
If you know more than 20, you're probably a close friend!
If you know more than 10, I'm quite close to you eh? Can you drop me a message so we can get to know each other better? :O
If you know less than 10, it's okay, I don't blame you. I don't talk about myself openly that much! Especially not about these stuff.

So here goes!

1. I am forever curious and want to try things that won't hurt or risk injuring myself.

2. I don't really know what my talents are.

3. I dislike people being in my private room.

4. I am extremely protective of people I care about.

5. I'm afraid of pain and the sight of blood.

6. I don't know how to swim (so don't push me into the pool I'll drown in front of you).

7. I enjoy sarcasm and puns.

8. I like cats because they are very individualistic.

9. I am agnostic and I don't care much either way.

10. My ability to function in a crowd depends on my mood and if I'm comfortable around those people.

11. I try to maintain a sunny personality outside but I actually have frequent emo fits.

12. I'm always afraid that my niceness to the opposite sex is misunderstood for something more.

13. I love the piano and I regret that I had no chance to learn when I was younger.

14. I get the best adrenaline rush from epic movie soundtracks.

15. I secretly like empty churches and cathedrals and want to step into one someday.

16. Sports and mathematics are not my cup of tea.

17. I used to keep a daily no-miss diary for two years.

18. I love writing and have been writing stories since I was 5 or 6.

19. In any story, I am most interested in the characters, especially the protagonists.

20. I dislike networking and socialising and prefer genuine friendships.

21. I am terribly perfectionistic in tasks I care about and I won't eat or rest till I get it done my way.

22. I enjoy intellectually stimulating conversations and don't care much for small talk.

23. I have grown to avoid conflicts because conflicts are annoying to deal with.

24. I dislike conforming to society because I believe in the individual.

25. I dream to travel the world permanently because I enjoy the diversity that the world offers.

26. I dream to write a life-changing book, be it fiction or non-fiction.

27. I love mocha because it has chocolate in it.

28. I love eggs done any style.

29. I enjoy reading about psychology, anthropology and historical wars.

30. I'm rather childish in a relationship.

31. I am very lazy and disorganized when I work.

32. When I am consumed by negativity, I take long walks by myself to nowhere.

33. I can be extremely rash when provoked and regret it afterwards.

34. I am very sensitive and paranoid about people when I'm scared.

35. I don't know how to cut meat properly because I rarely eat western cuisine.

36. I can't stand the cold much so I don't know how to survive winter.

37. I like to let chocolate melt on my fingers and then lick them off (gross I know)

38. I am super messy when it comes to physical surroundings.

39. I hate anything sticky - sweat, face moisturisers, lotions...

40. I am an only child and I hate it.

41. I like small children and am usually good with them.

42. I need to sleep with a blanket covering my feet because I'm scared that a ghost will touch them.

43. I cannot sleep without a bed or a comfortable seat (I cannot sleep in class)

44. I like to collect and have a lot of near-useless knowledge.

45. I like to observe and study people, personalities, and why they did what they did.

46. I feel uncomfortable in places where people know each other and I'm alone and a nobody.

47. I do not stand out but am very assertive when I want what I want.

48. I don't adapt easily but I am trying to learn how to let go of familiarity.

49. I can keep secrets if it is a must but I want to be let in on everything.

50. I want to make a difference to the world.

Did you know all of this about me? :3

I'm going back to college tomorrow, so I'll probably be missing from here again .___.
Especially since I need to apply for universities too at this point in time!
Stick around though, I'll pop in every now and then <3

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