Saturday, May 10, 2014

Throwback: Ostrich Day At Jelita Ostrich Farm

This is a throwback from three weeks ago!

As usual when I'm hanging around here it means I'm procrastinating on homework in a legit way. :)
There's so much to do I'm feeling super duper dizzy:

  • IOP next Tuesday
  • Group 4 Science Project next Wednesday and Thursday
  • Cambodia Service Trip for 5 days after next week
  • French Video Festival next Tuesday too
  • Math IA and English World Lit Essay struggling on
  • And random homework
Ugh. There's just so much to do in IB. Grr. 
So a few days ago we visited an ostrich farm, Jelita Ostrich Show Farm in Seremban as a study trip. It was fun cause study trips are super rare in public schools (teachers just don't want to take responsibility and lose a day of rest accompanying us), so I was really grateful for the opportunity, even though I don't really particularly know what do ostriches have in common with TOK.

We were so afraid that it was going to rain as it had been raining everyday, all day. So it was great that it was sunny the whole day. :)


  • We had a talk by the owner of the farm. One of the things I didn't know about ostriches was how they attack people, and that they won't attack anything taller than they are. Also, ostriches are very fragile and sensitive in baby form, and many died at that stage. It was kinda interesting cause I like to collect random facts. Haha.
  • I get to ride on an ostrich! It was really fun and it was a more stable ride than I thought. The ostrich was blindfolded so that they don't move around too much and run. I thought it was interesting how we get to hold onto their wings for support haha.

  • I get to stand on an ostrich egg. Apparently the shell was super thin, but it can withstand very heavy weight. Nobody broke the eggs. I also get to carry ostrich eggs! :3

  • I get to watch ostriches chasing goats. It was hilarious how they opened their wings and try to scare the little goats away. 
  • I get to watch my friends race on ostriches. Or rather, watching one guy falling off the ostrich at the first instance, and another guy running off by himself on his ostrich. LOL.

It was informative and much fun. :) I love study trips.
I'm...neutral about ostriches.

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