Thursday, May 8, 2014

Cambodia Service Trip #Masterpost

K I know that I haven't been appearing since I came back from Cambodia. I'm sorry, the week after has been horrible, really, really horrible. All the tests, assignments and presentations have completely overwhelmed me. I'm not good at multi-tasking. I can, but I get really frustrated and annoyed that there is so much work and so little time and everything has to be done to perfection.

I'm trying to upload the bulk of the Cambodia photos on Facebook because the documentary this year is going to be an actual video documentary, so there won't be any pictures in there and it would be really a waste if nobody can see them, because there are a lot of beautiful photos.

It's hard, hard work because there's like 3500 photos to filter through and upload. I've only finished Day 1, and it already has 600+ pictures. .____.

So I guess with the uploading going on and all those mountainous academic stuff and also I'm rushing to register for June SAT, blogging is on the last of my list right now sorry.
I'll write about this when I can settle down properly again. I know it's not going to happen much since June is our second semester exams (frigging damn important) and there'll be much going on but I'll TRY to find some non-sleeping time to blog.

So busy right now that I'm trying to slap mosquitoes while typing.

So yeah, I'll be uploading photos and telling stories in a bit! It'll probably last over four posts because there was so much happening in one day. :)


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