Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Freshkon Starz: Starry Blue (Review)

Hi! Just realised that I hit 400 posts with the past one LOL.
Thank you to all you regular readers/friends/supporters! :3
Michelle is happy. I don't really know if something good will come out of blogging but I guess I'll keep it going because I like doing it, and hopefully I'll get something tangible (like money) out of it in the future. :P

I've decided to do a Freshkon Starz contact lens review after having them for about two weeks. I've had very good experience with Freshkon: they have been producing circle lens that are pretty and comfy at the same time. Previously I was using Freshkon Alluring Eyes (read black colour review HERE), but as they only have 4 (technically 3) colours, I decided to make my way to another line of Freshkon lens, called the Starz line.

I wanted blue lens since forever, and I got a pair of blue ones by some brand that I've forgotten. I switched brands because my usual lens tore itself, and the shops didn't carry Freshkon blue lens ready stock. Regretted it so much because that random brand didn't fit my eyes: they kept moving in my eyes whenever I blink, and my eyes got so irritated I couldn't wear them after a few minutes. :(

The design of the lens!
Hard lesson learnt there. I stayed with my usual brown lens for a while after the horrible experience, but after a bit I decided to look around for blue ones again, and this time because I had time to spare, I decided to place my order for Freshkon Starz in Starry Blue. B chose the design out of the other series- he decided that this looks prettiest so okay lo. :)

Bad skin complexion sorray, unedited, no makeup Michelin :/
Here's my eye close-up. Personally I think it has a very pretty starburst design which brings out the blue colour a lot. And the outer dark ring accentuates the eye so it looks bigger. I'd like the blue to be a little darker, but it's fine this way. :)

Entirely candid lololol. At least you can see the lens through that suprised look lolol.
And me wearing the blue lens. I put up high-resolution pictures because I love you and you can see better this way than phone pictures. :3
No filters because I want to maintain the actual colour of the lens. :)
Colour may be lighter under different lighting. This is outdoor under a sunny evening sky. Here's another picture:

Forehead too big sorray. 
You can't really see the actual design, but the colour is vivid and clear. I love the look: it's eye-catching (no pun intended) and yet not over-the-top bright and dramatic. The comfort is great: it's just like my usual series, so I can now safely transfer myself over to this series whenever I want something more colourful! I have dry eyes and my eyes are really picky on which lens they like, so I'm super happy that they accept Starz! No redness or irritation, so everything's wonderful.
Phone selfie with B. I like this picture so I put it up. :3
Can't really see the blue in here though.

So here's my verdict:
Colour: 8/10
Design: 9/10
Comfort: 9/10

So yay, I've finally found my favourite blue lens. :D
Now I can have eyes that look like stars. :3
Any questions please leave me a comment below! Thanks. :)


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