Friday, December 6, 2013

And This Is How Semester 1 Ends

Semester 1 has officially ended with the conclusion of final exams. I am in shock at the rate time has passed so fast. OMG. How long ago was it that I came to TCSH for the very first day, attending my first IB class for the very first time?

Now prom is over, exams are over, and semester 1 is over.

I can't believe it.

And next month I'll be actually starting Sem 2. And in a little over a year, I'll be taking IB finals. OMG. *panics*

I'm really really sorry that I haven't been updating my blog since last month. I've been really really busy since I'm in numerous committees (prom being the largest and busiest among all), juggling academic, extra activities, social life and everything else. Prom this year is so awesome. I'm gonna blog about it in another post because I've got SO MUCH to mush about, but only when I get the pictures from B. Lighting was pretty dim so he has to edit all the photos.

Next biggest thing is my exams, which is actually pret-ty easy...but I'm not ve-ry sure about it. Lasted for only four days but was enough to kill me. I am so slacked until I didn't even study until like two days before exams. :(
And prom was like on the Saturday right before exams on Monday. :O

I had an unseen text for English HL, where I had to choose a prose/poem to do a commentary on. Previously I actually had a 20/20 for my poem comm (which was a hugeeee surprise! Cause I did it in 2 hours and didn't really aim for anything) which caused quite a lot of hype among the juniors, because people especially SLs are failing to write good comms (and a lot of them are kiasu, so.) I get frustrated when people ask how you get 20/20 though, cause you don't get it, you do your best to analyse and that's it. There's no fixed answer or formula like math or something. And then they go "oh I hate Lit because I can't get 20/20 for it". Sorry but I have no comment. =.=

I got 17 for prose comm though, which is really quite high but since I spent like 5 hours doing it, I figured I'll die in exams, so I went for the poem during exams (didn't even look at the prose), and it was quite interesting to analyse, but today Ms N just went like "I AM SO DEVASTATED" so I'm actually worried now, haha.

French was good, I got 136/140. However Ms MM tipped us off on a lot of the questions so I don't really think I'm very good lah, but I'm doing okay in the French basics. I can form simple present tense sentences now! Yay :D

Econs was worrying because I'm not sure if I got the concepts right, but should be all right I guess? Mr L always takes his time to mark though, so I'm like 200% sure he's giving the papers back next year, and I'm really jumpy about it because I love Econs and I'm taking it at HL and I'll be sad if I got low marks for it. I rewrote like 20pages of notes the night before and in the morning. :x

Maths was much easier than expected, the pre-exams practice questions Ms J gave us were much harder and scared the shit out of me the night before, cause I couldn't answer many of them and I needed to prepare Bio as well and I was freaking out big time. But the actual exam was really easy, I was really confident except for one question. I might be careless though (I always am).

On another note, Maths HL people were all dying and stuff because apparently Mr T set the questions like Level 11 difficulty and no one could finish all the questions. Some of them are considering to come SL LOL. Seeing them "OMG Math killed me!" made me feel so grateful and fortunate. :P

Bio was okay, I did okay. We had a class test the week before so I actually studied the difficult parts, and the easier parts were the ones already studied in SPM. I find SPM a really good foundation for science and maths. I breeze through the easy parts, although the subjective questions were really quite subjective and so my score is unpredictable.

Psychology was today. I'm most worried about Psych because it has the most stuffs to memorise (even though the tips gave by Ms P decreases the amount of content drastically), and I haven't actually studied in detail. And I was SO sleepy that I slept through the whole night and morning and only spent 2 hours cramming. Thank God B actually accompany me to study lah. I regurgitate stuff out and he actually remembered the stuff I was talking about LOL. But thanks to him I actually remember many stuff just before exams and I get to write like 10 pages in 2 hours. *fingers cramp* However Ms P is really strict about exams so I'm worried she might cut lots of marks for some reason. :(


After the exam today I had two meetings, newsletter and prom post-mortem (which was really very sweet and much much love in the air!). Then Nic and B and I hang around, played pool and had dinner together. Was fun and happy because the stress aura is cleared and Nic is very much happier now. :D
(I get worried when my best friends are stressed/emo/sad/upset)

So yeah, today was a happy ending to Semester 1 and here comes my winter holidays!
It's for a month so expect more posts during December. :P
Yay to me!

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