Sunday, September 15, 2013

Jog For Hope 2013! :D

I love collages <3
SO. This deserves a post because I actually woke up at 7AM to participate. Yes it's hard to get me up at that time except for classes. Being purely a Penangite, I go to every single class not because I really think each and every class is extremely useful and I would lose out on information if I don't go, (okay that's a reason but only 30%), but mainly because of feeling like I'm wasting my money if I don't go to the class that I have paid for. HAHA. (even though my parents didn't exactly pay)

(cause according to my Econs teacher, Penang people don't waste and try to find the cheapest stuff with the most worth. So true. My mom is a math teacher and you should see her comparing prices and the weights of the items.)
(So imagine, taking one extra HL, which is like 1 extra hour of class time every week, cost RM2500)
*the horror*

IB-mates rock! HAHA. We're all in it together in all sorts of activities.
Anyway. I actually woke up at 7.15am and both Abby and I ran all the way to school. Which is really unnecessary because even though flag-off is at 7.30am, we should remember that this is Malaysian time (HAHA) and we only started running at 7.45am.

Completed 3km in like 25minutes? Very lame la. I'm not a runner. I get all sorts of weird side effects after running. Like stomachache. For no apparent reason. Every time.
My walking partner of the day is Mar. We're awesome because we don't run, we walk and we talk about how kangaroo is the basis of life, how running can cause your liver to get dislodged, how hopping is easier than running, and how we've solved the entire universe that has got a glitch.
Exactly, I know you're thinking "lame". But a true Penangite laughs at jokes because they are lame. No that doesn't make us lame, that makes us very funny, bubbly people to be with because we never turn down any joke. (more on that next post)

Mar being hyper when she sees the 3km sign hahaahha.
*she looks so different from usual!! More human hahahhaha.
Cause she always look very fashionable and attractive like a "female vampire on the hunt" (in her own words) LOL*
I love the hype and the atmosphere there! TCSH is organising the event so lots of people from all the corners of KL flock here to run (registration fees go to charity) so this is like the first time I see so many people around here. (usually it's quiet and peaceful because it's an affluent part of the neighbourhood so not so many people and everything super posh here la.
(which means you get too many of expensive restaurants and not enough kopitiams.)

Oh ya, I forgot to mention the Milo van. :D It's something I always look forward to after every school sports day and cross-country run. Imagine my delight when I saw it haha. Since it's free flow I took like three times since it's free and I love it. :P Yes I memang Penangite. xD

So we got a goodie bag as well which I think is full of assorted sponsored drinks.
The campus is especially warm today because there are way too many people than usual. They just flooded the whole ground floor to get to the air-conditioning LOL.
My friend got a medal for 10km under 1 hour which is like SO SO SO awesome O.O I can barely finish 5km in an hour I swear.

I don't really enjoy running that much but I enjoy the atmosphere and being a part of one of college's biggest annual activities!


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