Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Munching Habit, Awesome IB Seniors, and..(wait for it...) BACK HOME FOR RAYA!

I eat all the time nowadays. If there are two break times between classes, I'll eat twice, in addition to three usual meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), and supper as well. If it's a Saturday or a Sunday, I'll be munching through the whole day.
I can't seem to stop finding something to eat. If I see something delicious, I'll get it to munch straightaway.

Zero resistance.

*those days when I had an eating problem-loss of appetite that causes me to hate any food even when I'm hungry are far behind now...
Or maybe it's because I'm not in a state of extreme stress.*

The seniors are awesome, us IB juniors are very close to our IB seniors because we move from class to class all the time, and as all IB classrooms (except for labs) are at the second floor, the area around the classrooms became the unofficial IB hangout area. So we meet each other all the time everyday. The faces just got more and more familiar.

Partly juniors and partly seniors
Juniors rule! Yay! :D
On the other hand, A-Levels students tend to stick to only one classroom for all of their classes, so they don't come out much from their classrooms and walk around. The seniors also tend to keep to themselves, and they don't have a buddy system like us IB do.

Eleasha, my senior buddy from Penang! :D
*she's very nice and super talented in singing! <3*
*share a few interests as well :D*
So yeah, in terms of help from seniors, IB peeps are pretty lucky. And the seniors are cool, all of them have different stuff that they're good at. (we juniors often look up to seniors don't we?)
This week we had an open-mic dinner gathering at a restaurant, where everyone showcased their talents and all of us bonded with each other. It was a great success and all the juniors were saying how awesome the seniors are. :D (and we still do say that all the time!)

The most complete photo of seniors and juniors I can find, even though it's a horrible photo with 70% of eyes closed.
One month into the programme and I'm starting to feel the stress nudging me. I know, I joined quite a lot of activities (us IB juniors are extremely ambitious, much more than the seniors were back then), but I need to complete my 150 CAS hours in like two semesters (which =to a year from now), so that I can focus on academic subjects later.
And I'm actually interested in the stuff that I joined (except for jogging, which is only for Action hours), so yeah, it's not a waste of time. :)

One good thing about living in an affluent neighbourhood and studying at a rich-student-only-go-there campus is that if you leave your stuff all over the place, nobody even wants to steal them. I'm serious.
People here leave their things everywhere in the campus, and they are still safe and sound. It's not that I'll leave my stuff everywhere just because of the safety, but it's good to know that people here are rich enough not to even think about stealing my things if I ever accidentally misplace them. LOL.

Also another good thing is that there are security guards everywhere here, at every entrances and exits of the campus around-the-clock, at every corner of my condo and also the shopping centre. So it's all relatively safe, no worries other than being careful as usual. =)

I'm having a lot of things going on now, including assignments and presentations, and especially psychology research articles and cases to read and look up. It's killing me. There are stuff to find out in every lesson. But I'm not giving it up, it's just too interesting. I know I'm just too lazy.
Also I joined Project Adopt for the first time. It's a project that was started by IB students for their Service hours actually, which became a pass-me-down project. It's basically tutoring children at an orphanage.

It's getting harder to blog now even with free time because as all my time is now consumed by essays, it's going to be “boring” to write more essays during my hard-earned free time right? I have psychology and english essays, (and maybe economics ones later), debate speeches, just finished writing for a 3-day MUN conference writeups, CAS weekly reflections, IB newsletter, Editorial Board...

And now blog? (I need sleep!!)

So..yeah. I'll try my best to find time to blog, as I need to persevere and not give up blogging altogether! It's something I must stick to, even if it's the only thing I actually stick to in my life. :P But please please understand if I don't write like once every two or three days after August, when my scheduled posts run out ok? :)

I might write like once a week. During Saturdays and Sundays. Or I might have inspirations during my extremely free days (Wed and Thurs) when I only have three classes each. ;) I'll probably never post on Mondays and Tuesdays because those are my heavy days (I have seven classes for both days!!!)

Anyway, the last piece of news I would like to share here is that I'm going back to Penang for a week during the Hari Raya holidays! I'm so excited! I've been living in KL for a full month (by the time I'm leaving for Penang) and I can't wait to go home for a while. I mean, living alone is nice and a new experience and everything, but it's also awesome to finally getting to like go home, get together with family and friends from home and share lots of stories! :D

On a side note, I wonder if it'll be awkward.
Oh well who cares. I'll just be myself, like always.

I miss Mom, Dad, JM, JY, JJ, LWY and the rest of the gang. :/ I miss Penang too. I miss the foooooooood. I miss the familiar roads that I can drive around on.

I'll be back!!!! Wait for me!!! Counting down to just two days!!! :D

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