Monday, August 12, 2013

Ethan's Photography: KL Bird Park Part 3/3 (Final)

Hi guys, here's the final part of the KL Bird Park photography post. Remember from Part 2, Ethan and I spotted a few peacocks? 
Well here they are, in not-so-full glory. I can't get them to spread their feathers, but they are still very pretty!

Waterfall Aviary:

Flamingos! :D

Making circular waves with its feet

Ethan wasnt't ready for the sudden flight of the bird
Folding its leg to scratch its head

Gymnastic ;)

Group of flamingos
A black swan floats past

The Incubation Room:


See the hatched chick? <3 cute ;)
Ostrich/Emu feeding next:

Hey, where's my vegetable?

Southern Cassowary: It has a black body and a very colourful head ;)


It looks permanently surprised O.O

Changeable Eagle-Hawk 

The Great Hornbill:

Red hornbill? Don't know what this is...but it came all the way from the other end of its cage right up to where I was. Expecting some food maybe? All we could do is to take its photo though. :)

Since when chicken is a hornbill?!

I was trying to take the photo of the guineafowl when this BIRD came flying into Ethan's view. LOL.
Guineafowl :)

Children feeding the birds ;)
The Great Hornbill again ;) Slightly unclear photos because the photos were taken outside of the cage.
Not sure why the wires aren't so visible.

I thought doves are only white O.O
Crowned pigeon, apparently. Looks a bit like peacock to me.

A peacock on top of a tree branch
Taken with phone just before leaving
Ethan wants to be in the picture, so another one before we left. 
This concludes the final part of this photography post series. :)
Hope you enjoyed the photos!

P.S: All photos are 100% unedited except for addition of watermark.


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