Friday, August 9, 2013

Ethan's Photography: KL Bird Park Part 2/3

Hi guys! As promised, here's Part 2 of the 3-part photography post on KL Bird Park, with Ethan my DSLR. :)
Check out Part 1 HERE.

A cockatoo holding a piece of papaya in its talon.

Feeding the lorries is at RM2 per cup of milk. It's not exactly milk but some milky form of bird food. Ethan wanted to see them drinking so I paid for a cup. The lorries fought over for a place near the cup and even dragged it away with their beaks and almost tipping it over. I did try dragging it back into the middle of the table but I was a bit scared they'll peck me. In the end, the cup did tip over and the milk spilled all over the table. =.= The guy gave me some more and offered to take a few photos of me with the lorries. ;)

Yay, milk!!!

What the hell, fighting on top of my shoulder?!
*notice the milk spilt on the table. Their doing. =.=*
Four birds!!! Trying to smile properly at Ethan.....he's laughing at me =.=
Love this photo <3
Are they kissing or fighting?
Bathing time! A flurry of colours!
Most colourful member of the parrot family! Like seriously it's a rainbow. O.O
Saying hi by knocking on the wires with its beak
One lone lorry parrot
Pecking for worms, probably?

They have double doors for every bird zone, one pull and one push. Just in case different birds walk/fly into different zones.
The surroundings.
Next: Oriental Bird Aviaries!

Oriental birds eat papaya. See the fruits hanging there?
My thought: Why don't they just grow a papaya tree inside LOL
All the birds inside the enclosures!

Below are photos of the toucan! I love it so much! It's now one of my favourite birds. I super love its colours, you know, black and white body and a colourful, strong beak. <3
Ethan did his best with trying to blur the wires from the cage.

Next: Emu, or ostriches. I can't tell them apart actually.

Starling. I've read about them in Enid Blyton's books. ;)
Another toucan photo! <3
See the safety nets?
I spot a bird

And a peacock.
Peacocks spotted!! Coming up in the final part: Peacock close-ups, flamingos on one leg, baby chicks and ostrich/emu feeding! Stay tuned ;) 
Here's a sneak peek of a few peacocks seen at the other side of the waterfall ;)

P.S: All photos 100% unedited except for addition of watermark.


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