Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Itty-Bitty Penang Farewell

Spam posting these few days! :)
Fyi I'm listening to some really awesome soundtrack mix on Youtube and I'm feeling super inspired right now. And the best part is it's not some soft, relaxing music that I used to listen to, but seriously epic ones. You know, soundtracks from games, movies, etc, during epic battle scenes and such. I never knew there's such a genre!

*I'm a fan of Two Steps From Hell right now. <3*
That's for another post. I'll tell you what my favourites are! :D

Anyway yesterday I attended my itty-bitty farewell. Yes it's that small, just five of us. Could be more I guess, but we haven't kept a lot of contact with some other classmates still around (they didn't really hang out with us much, so..yeah.) These are all that's left of our original group (which could go up to 15 people any time). A third of us. :/

JY searching through her phone for something to show us.
The rest (more than a third of us) had left for UTAR, Kampar last month, almost same time as the Matrics students. JY, HK and HC are studying here, while KH just came back from National Service, so they are still here. :)
Anyway, it was a very small but warm and happy farewell gathering. It didn't seem like a farewell, just like another of our used-to-be-frequent hangouts, only with the absence of those others.

We had pizza, and we had a lot of laughter and funny moments. They made jokes out of nothing and we almost fell off the chair laughing like crazy. =.=
We shared stories. Mostly them because I didn't have much to share, seeing as I've done nothing much, but I did chime in a lot, as usual. ;)
I felt actually happy and laughing like I actually mean it. :D

You know, candid photos like this make me go ROFL. Hahahahaha. HK and KH.
KH created the world's shortest and funniest ghost story ever. It went like this:
Us: 讲鬼故事啦,你在NS有没有遇到鬼?
KH: 没有,可是有一个老师遇到。
Us: 讲看,他怎样遇到鬼?
KH: 他就...遇到鬼咯。
(laughter ensued)
Us: 哈哈哈哈,你的鬼故事有够缩短 =.=""""
KH: 都不是我遇到,要怎样讲
Us: 你可以加盐加醋的嘛....(laughing again)

Hahahahaha all of us burst into uncontrollable laughter. And then HC's phone rang. He was rushing through his pizza because he had to attend something else later. The first thing he said into the phone was: "On the way, on the way..."
LOL. He was sitting there having pizza and laughing with us at that time. On the way?
Rushing through pizzas. KH and HC.
I love the atmosphere, because it was so normal, so natural, and even though all five of us are currently doing different things and attending different colleges, we can still laugh through things and share our stories with each other. It was almost perfect.

I'm hoping I won't change and become someone totally different after I go KL.
I don't want to be on a different frequency from them all and just sit there, put on a fake smile and feel weird. :(
I had that scary experience that other day when we gathered for the last time to say bye to the utar students. Everyone seem different, I felt not welcomed. :/ I ended up sitting there frozen with a smile that didn't belong to me and said almost nothing at all. I didn't know how to join into the conversation even though I badly want to say something, to laugh, anything, but I couldn't. Maybe it's just that once. I don't want to lose the connection with any one of the other people over that one mistake. Hopefully. :)

Yay group picture! I love group photos. From left: yours truly, JY, HK, HC, and KH
I think we all look very nice in this picture <3
HK was grinning so wide because HC was trying to tickle him at that time. Hahaha. Boys. Childish.
Right now though, I'm encapsulated in a bubble of happiness. :)
Thank you, you people made my day!
I'll be moving forward knowing you people will still be there when I return. :)
And I will!
In the meantime,
Don't change! ;)

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