Thursday, May 30, 2013

Surprise Birthday Party #1 for ZongGui

This happened way back at 19th April, on ZG's birthday, but there were too many things happening in my life at that time that I didn't have time to write about this properly. Now that things have settled down (read: starting to become boring again), I'm finding something to write again. You know, so that I won't go rusty when I'm starting to do essays again during my pre-u.

We never exactly planned for a surprise actually, I remembered his birthday just in time (one day earlier, actually) and called the others up about it. Then they hastily threw a plan together, arranging for someone to get the cake and someone to go to his house and keep him from leaving it. LOL. JM had our present wrapped up. We got him a very practical tumbler when at KL. Something for him to bring to UTAR. ;)

His was a very easily done surprise party because his house is like a public place where anyone and everyone can enter with ease. So it wasn't shocking or inappropriate at all to see a bunch of us quietly entering his back door and shushing each other downstairs, then climbing up the stairs to his room.
All of us did this numerous times, excluding the quietness.

Stop! Not ready yet!
Waiting expectantly outside his room. This is so funny. Hahaha. Sorry for not very clear photos. His room is quite dim, and photos were taken with my phone. Not optimum situation! BUT, photos taken with a phone always produce the best candid shots. LOL.

Room is full of people! 
There were like about 10 people present. :D I didn't even know some of them knew about the surprise. Evidently news travel a lot faster than light here.
His room is always very packed. It's like a rendezvous for meet ups all the time. You know, like KFC for town peeps. Haha. Most of the time you can even walk in unannounced, no need to knock too. But it's like desert. Very, very hot especially in the afternoon, and apparently very very cold at night according to the guys who stayed over.

Tiramisu cake, which tasted okay. The point is not the cake, it's the surprise. Haha. It was a very warm atmosphere, no pun intended. We had a lot of fun just talking.

A birthday wish.
Cake-cutting moment~
Opening the present ;)
Apparently wrapping is too complicated haha.
It wasn't the perfect surprise birthday party, BUT it's a sincere one. ;)
I love the warmth and sincerity of people here at Balik Pulau. You guys are awesome. <3

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