Monday, February 4, 2013

Update on Chico the Survivor

First, a photo of Chico looking at the camera! 

I haven't been posting about Chico hamster in a LOOOOONG while. A few friends have been separately asking about his well-being and also requested an update on his adorable pictures. Since I can't get Ethan into the cage to take the photos (Ethan's terrified of Chico's teeth anyway), those photos are taken with my Xperia phone. =] It's more than good enough for photographing normal, daily photos, but if I wanna take creative shots with different lighting, angles, etc, Ethan is still the best. =D
I love his eyes. =D
Okay, enough said. Here are all the photos I've taken of Chico. It took me over an hour to photograph him in various "poses" and behaviours and acts. =.= This is what it takes to get good shots of a hyperactive, untrained, unpredictable hamster. I've got more bad shots than good ones because he's always running about. Enjoy =D

This is Chico's house. 
I'm thirsty! 
Oops, a stray sawdust fell into the water
Chico's staple food: mixed dry seeds/flakes/crumbs/pellets
Look at me balancing at the edge of the container :D
See how flexible I am. I'm a born natural gymnast! =D
Where's my favourite seed?
Can you find me? XD
Hey, you found me!
My stretching exercise. One day I'll be long enough to jump out. Wahaha.
I climb over everything. I think my bread crumb fell behind. 
Hey, what's that noise?
Not in a good mood today~ I lost my bread crumb.
Let me squeeze in and see if the crumb is there.
*sniff* I can't smell any crumbs's not here.
Don't worry, I won't fall in. The possibility of that is 1%.
Huuu...exhausted. Let me catch my breath.
Running the other way. =D My daily exercise.
Reaching for the food again. I'm hungry!
See me holding my food and crunching? Look closely. =D You can just make out my front paws.
Kicking the sawdust. My naughty habit.
Hmm? Anything?
I have a ballet dream. See how flexible I am.
Biting the paper tube. Another habit. It's replaced every week or until I rip it to shreds.
Shhh...I'm sleeping.
Zzzzz~ tired after an hour's play.
Curling up into a hamster ball. =)
Chico repeats all this every two hours or so. It's his routine. He's alone because he fights with others if he doesn't have his own place to himself.
He's two years old =) and his species can live three to five years.
He's called Chico the Survivor because his siblings were all eaten by his cannibalistic mother. As the only one left, I saved him before he was killed. He was only two weeks old and still very much a baby then. He's a tough guy because he could eat mashed and wet food instead of milk at that time, even though he's still a blind baby who toddles around with his eyes still shut.
Now he's fully adult and very much contented with life. (Even though he can be chicken-hearted sometimes)
That's all! Love you Chico! =D

Till then,

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