Saturday, February 9, 2013

Reunion Dinner With Stepbrother 2013

Did I ever tell it here that I have a stepbrother? A stepsister too, actually, but she has been missing-in-action for years and so let’s ignore her presence.

Okay. So stepbrother dearest pays a visit every year to us since I was 12, so that would make it 7 visits already. =) He’s 13 years older, in fact, which would make him 31 this year. >.< Got married to a Philippines wife 6 years ago, has a cute-like-hell 5years old son, technically 4 because he was born on Christmas. That’s all, introduction over.

So he visited yesterday, and we picked him up at the airport as usual. He is staying over at my old house for 10 days. Today he came over for the traditional reunion dinner (we have steamboat!). The son, my nephew, is too cute! He looks a lot like his mom (credits for the bigggg eyes and looong eyelashes) and since he can now speak coherently, he speaks in English and Malay. The mix sounds funny.

I’m not exactly sure what more to say so here are the photos I took =)

Daddy and son shoes! Cool!
Very interested in Chico.

Preparing reunion dinner
Biggie prawns.

Steamboat! =D
Collage of Henrick
Henrick learning to use chopsticks
Playing with
Parents, stepbrother, his wife and Henrick
A little awkward, but great reunion dinner nonetheless. =D Henrick brings joy to the table. XD
Tomorrow going to visit relatives!

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