Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ethan: Update+Garden Photography

I finally got a card reader to read Ethan's CF (Compact Flash) card! =D He's using CF instead of normal SD cards.
The card reader cost me RM20 >.< but worth it because finally I can transfer the photos from him to my computer!
And the bonus part is YOU get to see them, as now I can upload his photos! =)

I used manual focus in all the shots below because the autofocus is crap. It doesn't want to focus properly a lot of times. So I gave up and changed to manual focus, which allows me to focus nicely fast.
Technical details are included below if you're interested. If not, well then just enjoy the photos. Lol. This is Ethan and I's first photography moment so please be nice even if there are some mistakes, like we shouldn't use this aperture size or that shutter speed. :) Amateurs are called that for a reason.
By the way, I found this extremely AMAZING photo of Ethan on the web. Cool right?
You can see his skeleton and everything. He didn't want to see it though; he says it makes him feel naked. =.=

Here's a cool chart I found around the Internet. It helps me to remember, so budding novices could also have an idea what manual photography is all about. This cheat sheet is awesome in that it compiles all you need to know for starters in one clean, simple, easy to read sheet. But for more depth, you'll need to read more/take photography lessons.

For me I don't really bother about photography lessons. I believe in learning as you go. Taking lots of photos and realizing why one is better than the other, and then trying to figure out how best to take more good photos, that's learning. Not fixed mundane class paperwork. :)

By the way, I have tried my best to keep the watermarks small so as not to ruin the photos. So please respect me and don't steal. Ask first. =) Oh and if you like them, let me know. If you think they could be better, I could use some constructive criticism too. Just don't slam them. 
Thank you! =D

Really happy about this. I've taken Ethan out to meet the flowers in my garden. He's clearly enjoying himself because the photos he took spoke of their beauty. ^.^ Please forgive for not knowing any of the plants' names below. =.= Although I have a vast array of different hobbies, gardening is not one of them. Haha. 

Actually I didn't plan on taking Ethan out to photograph the garden. I decided to do it because I was sweeping dead leaves in the compound and I got tired and wanted to do something else with them. Lolz. And then I realized it could be turned into a photograph, so one thing leads to another. =) By the way these are all unedited photos. I want to show how Ethan's unedited photos are like. :)
Ok here goes:
F-stop: f/6.3
Exposure time: 1/160 sec
ISO speed: ISO-400
F-stop: f/6.3
Exposure time: 1/40 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200

F-stop: f/5.6
Exposure time: 1/60 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200

Be Different
F-stop: f/5.6
Exposure time: 1/80 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200

Bird Unity
F-stop: f/7.1
Exposure time: 1/100 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200
(This plant is very special. The flower is shaped like a small bird. =D I'm lucky that there is a cluster of those flowers that day)

Pink Glory
F-stop: f/7.1
Exposure time: 1/100 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200

Bud to Bloom
F-stop: f/7.1
Exposure time: 1/100 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200

F-stop: f/7.1
Exposure time: 1/30 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200

Purity 1.0
F-stop: f/5.6
Exposure time: 1/200 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200
(Playing with the focus here. The front flower is clearer in this photo. See the next one)

Purity 2.0
F-stop: f/5.6
Exposure time: 1/200 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200
(The back flower is the clearer one now. =D )

Buttery Blossoms
F-stop: f/5.6
Exposure time: 1/160 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200
(Love this photo the most! The flowers look sweet, don't they? ^.^)

Blooming Wonder
F-stop: f/5.6
Exposure time: 1/160 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200

F-stop: f/5.6
Exposure time: 1/160 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200

So! =D How was it? I know I might have made some common mistakes. >.< But Ethan shoot pretty great photos right? =) Even though he's not a new model, he's more than good enough for me. He's the best! He's pretty satisfied with what he took too actually, although he's always hard on himself and says he could be better. Ok that's my fault, because I'm not really a pro in photography :) Yet. 

That's all, until our next shooting! =D


  1. I like Blooming Wonder, and Pink Glory.

    1. Wow, thank you! :D
      That means a lot to me (and Ethan) ;)


Do let me know what you think! :)