Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cny Day 3: 5SC1 QB Gathering

Wakaka seems like I'm too in love with my class. After yesterday, I still go out with them today.
At first it's sort of a ladies day-out, then we relented and invited the guys as well. LOL.
The best part is all of us wore BLUE without telling each other (except us girls). It's a really LOL scene because all 8 of us wore blue except for 2 others, one white one yellow. LOL.

Anyway we picked up everyone then drove down in two cars. I sat Abel's because I only trust his skills. LOL. >.<
When reached the cinema was packed full of people waiting to buy tickets. The movies that they wanted to watch at first were all almost sold out save the front seats. =.= Cinema is the only place where you do NOT want the first row. 
So we purchased Bruce Willis' A Good Day to Die Hard instead. (I wonder if I'm the only one who understands what it's all about =.=) 

Movie starts 2.20pm so we went to sing first. =) Many people going = great because the guys took the food for us (we had buffet) while we girls sang. Hahahaha.
After a while we realized that the guys hadn't chosen their songs yet so we passed around. Then it was our turn to eat. LOL.

They brought food!
Our food. XD
Eating. LOL
JY singing her heart out. :P
Guys singing~

Taking pic! =D
Taking food!

Hahahaha. Mirror picha
JY and I
JM and I
YY and I
All of us together =)
Movie time! Wakaka love this pic so much. I've never taken so many tickets before! <3
Popcorn time!
Flower shoes mania! XD
After the movie the guys went their way and we went ours. After buying some books and stuff, Abel and GP met up with us and had tea together.

J.Co yogurt ice-cream!

Even met GY who is working at Padini.
And took photos with a SNAKE. =D So cute. Not me. My stupid outfit. =.=
LOL..looking like shitttt
Anyway I had a really good time today. ;)
Thanks guys!
Friends forever~

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