Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Driving License Procedure 5.0


That about sums up my driving practical today.

Ok a little background info here. My practical was supposed to be on Tuesday. Yesterday. But I had to celebrate WQ's birthday, so I couldn't go. So at last it was moved to today. Unfortunately today is one of JPJ's car license exam days, so the Cemerlang site has to be cleared and free from other learning drivers.

So we were all wondering how on earth were we supposed to go practical today, when the car rolled by my house and on second blink JM was sitting in the driver's seat. =.=

First thought: What in the world is she doing there?
Second thought: Oh.
Third thought: No. No way am I going to drive.
Fourth thought: Why not?

Fifth thought was snatched from me as I was made to sit in the driver's seat and all thoughts went out of the window. Silence. Tension. Heart hammering away like a huge eagle trying to get out from my trachea.

Ok whatever.

So I drove back out on the major road, then all around Balik Pulau. I went 7-11 to get my half-breakfast (the long way), then JM drove the way back, then to Pantai Acheh. Along the way both of us went in apartment sites (full of cars parked haphazardly and cats lying in the middle of the road without a sense of danger), and I tried my first three-pointer at a dead end in a housing estate.

It was really fun. We couldn't pass the cat test (the stupid cat was sleeping in the middle of the road), both of us made the engine die after the cat left. =.=
I love the road to P.Acheh. It was long and quite winding and with little hills. =D Fun and quite challenging for learners like me.

I also get to go up to 60km/h which is steadily fast on a straight road. It was a huge relief after cooping up with not more than 20km/h in the driving site. Haha. Uncle said JM's courage is better, while I'm more calm. LOL. It was fun and it gave me more practice on moving again after the traffic lights.

=) Waiting for my next practice, back at the driving site. Gonna start learn the inside stuff soon. ^.^

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