Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Welcome Page 4 My Bloggy~

Whew! Finally finished something decorative for my blog after a few traumatic hours. :P

Anybody noticed a "Click to Enter" page on your way in? :D That's the subject of today. I spent a whole afternoon trying to get it right, so you guys better like it! Haha just joking. Leave a comment if you don't! :P

Before: From a BLANK image
But seriously speaking, it's nice right? The frame border is very Victorian and elegant. A clean design with neat lines and solid colours. Chose black and pink because it corresponds to my blog main colours. And the font in the middle is just so so SO fab. <3

I know it's a bit small, but that's the best I can do. I tried bigger but...more problems start coming out. See, all the problems:
My first try. I know! It's really pretty too right! But it just comes out BLURRED...T.T 
Second try! Almost there! But the border design is cropped out...:'( And still a couple of things to add...
  • Made a LARGE screen-size design. Ended up the design looking BLURRED. Like not enough pixels. Zzzz.
  • Crop the design, but ended up some of the important bits got cropped off. Zzz.
  • Background of picture at first was white, but then realize the image is smaller than the screen, and the screen background is pink. Zzz.
  • Changed the colour of image background to pink, but ended up having two shades of pink, which ruins the whole invisible blending effect.
  • Ran in circles to find the exact colour code for the screen pink, believing it was a totally unique code, then ended up finding out that the code was something I already memorized fully (FFCAFF) when I was designing my blog =.=
  • Designed corners before realizing the image is in the centre of the screen, so any corners would ruin the blending effect.
Argh. It's a miracle I got my blog designed AT ALL, considering the problems that pop out from every crevice of the html world!
After: Final try! Yes! It's exactly what I want! Simple and clean and pretty. <3
Looks simple, but to design it is hell. Zzz. Especially me who has a ruler nearby to measure and see if the words are in the middle enough. =.= Well, at least it paid off...now I got this really cool welcome page. =)

Tutorial? Hmm...it's a lil complicated~ and I'm doing all the easy tutorials right now. Sure, maybe later when I've finished all the easy ones ya! Keep supporting me! =D

Till then!

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