Monday, December 3, 2012


SPM is over! To say that I'm glad would be a gross understatement. I'm EXUBERANT.

I'm not sure what to make of the exams though, here's a bit of what I think:

First week:

Malay Language: No one expected the essay questions that came out, we all floundered to write but tried my best. Paper 2 have easier questions where it could be much harder.

English: What to say? I had a fun time writing Saving For The Future, while Paper 2 is easy as usual, no tricky bits.

History: This is one subject which I always managed to get quite good results during school exams but never found the confidence. I was always afraid that I would forget some information. This time round it was ok, hopefully so.

Mathematics: Compared to Additional Mathematics, Maths is not that hard anymore. I don't see anything tricky in this paper and I've amended all my past mistakes so hopefully this won't let me down.

Second week:

Moral Studies: A boring subject and equally boring exam. Since it's kind of easy, the good people of education has put up a lot of restrictions and rules and regulations. And since everything is very ambiguous, there is no telling if we got the values right. I just followed logic, that's all we can do.

Additional Mathematics: I did a LOT of exercises for this! Even though I didn't like it. Exercises are a must and I was lucky to find a book (Past Year Papers split into chapters) which motivates me to finish each chapter AND all the past years. This year's questions are a little weird, but do-able.

Physics: Another boring thing to me but I had to do something to lift my results. Paper 1 was okay, Paper 2 a totally different story. Almost lost more than 10 marks due to having the wrong concept about one full essay question, but thankfully I did an extra. Paper 3 wasn't bad, the experiments were the ones we hoped they would come out because the diagrams are easy to draw.

One whole week off after this! No other year could get as lucky as us.

Third week:

Chemistry: The one subject I've never reached target before. I don't know what is there between me and Chemi really. I've tried very, very hard to study it, hopefully I'll finally get an A+ for SPM. Paper 1 was okay, Paper 2 floundered for a bit but hopefully no huge mistakes, and Paper 3 was...I don't know. I'm just scared that I'll lose marks a bit here a bit there and my A+ gone.

Biology: This is most difficult to score an A+ among the three Sciences. Paper 1 was okay, a few weird questions. Paper 2 was even weirder, in all sections. I tried my best and wrote stuff but unsure. Paper 3 was ok because the experiment that came out was unexpected but not difficult.

Principles of Accounting, Prinsip Perakaunan: This is the most stimulating exam of all. And when I mean stimulating, it's the sort of adrenaline-rushing, heart-hammering kind. My final numbers didn't tally for Q2, which made me so panicked that I was going to mess up the exam until I almost throw up and start crying. Haha. In the end I realized I made a mistake in the "bank" part (I didn't notice there was overdraft.). Finally I balanced it and almost fainted. XD. Paper 1 was easier, obviously.

Fourth week:

Chinese: Last paper! Evidently everyone was close to breaking point and dreaming about what would come next after the paper. Essay part I wrote about tolerance. It was an argumentative essay, hope it was okay enough for at least an A-. The other paper had very subjective questions, stuff that asked for your opinion and couldn't be found in the comprehension texts. Which made us all very irritated about Chinese papers because even though it's "based on your opinion", there are actually keywords. Go figure.

Anyway SPM is definitely over for me, and I'll never sit for it again, no matter how much once-in-a-lifetime-special it is. No thanks to any exam, especially NOT Malaysian ones. It's one of the bad points about my dear country.

Yay! Now I can FINALLY rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrelax.

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