Saturday, December 22, 2012

Once-In-A-Pink-Moon (Sony Xperia SL)

Pink Sony Xperia SL, photo off the web. This is the real colour.

I got my new phone a few days ago! ^.^ It was on 18th, I believe. Sorry for not posting at once, suddenly have too many things to do, and anyway I have to take some photos of it first before posting right? :)

Extremely happy! It's a once-in-a-5year-moon thing, so yeah it's a BIG issue to me. ^.^

Here's a preview of my new phone, Sony Xperia SL, in baby pink. Sorry if the colour is a bit off from the first photo above, I used my digital camera to take the photos, and it doesn't have the best colour reproduction.

Sorry for the tiny dust particles on top, it's a flash pic and I've REALLY tried to make it clean LOL

Brand new when I took the photo, so definitely no scratches on screen, just bit of dust.

I've always wanted to get a new phone after my previous phone keeps on aging day after day (it was a Nokia 3500, a really, really durable thing), but it was difficult to get my parents to get me a new one so I didn't really bothered. But then my poor 5-year-old phone started to die and break down, so I persuaded, insisted and persisted my parents to get a new one for me, lest I don't have anything to phone with.

Did some research on the latest phones (have always wanted a Sony next), hit on Xperia S, and got the upgraded version of S (SL) after the shop didn't have the white S.

Didn't want Samsung because:
1. It copies iPhone looks from Apple...
2. It wasn't a popular phone brand before smartphones, in fact it was unknown.
3. Everybody's having a Samsung everywhere, sick of it.
4. Samsung phones lag like hell sometimes (friend's review)

Didn't want a Nokia because:
1. Have a Microsoft OS, which is a dying thing.

That's about the only reason. I wish Nokia has an Android OS. Because Nokia has great designs and extremely superior build quality.

Didn't want an iPhone because:
1. Price factor
2. Major overrated and overhyped
3. Unable to bluetooth with other phones
4. Unable to customize iOS

iPhone is SO overrated. People got it because it's "fashionable". Thus, it is extremely expensive, which isn't even worth it. Two years ago it was the best smartphone out there. Now there are so many better Androids, Samsung, Sony, HTC...

So now a pink Sony Xperia SL belongs to me. =D
Back of phone, with the camera lens and speaker

Bottom part with engraving and a port

Right side, with HDMI port, sound volume rocker and camera button

Mini USB port on left side

From top, on/off button and earphone jack

Three tiny dots as buttons, with a strip of transparent bar

Which is illuminated and lights up during notifications
I got this pink hard back case for it, it's a much darker and different pink, but I had no choice, so it would do for the time being.

I did my research well for my new phone. Don't believe? Some of the specifications of it below:

  • Released in September 2012, one of the latest phones.
  • 1.7GHz dual-core processor (upgraded from Xp.S from 1.5)
  • Walkman for music is back, in app form. 
  • 12.1 megapixels rear camera, 1.3 megapixels front camera, with Fast-Capture and tons other features
  • Take 1080 resolution HD videos
  • Crystal clear audio with xLoud which acts as audio filter
  • Razor sharp display having the HIGHEST PPI (pixel-per-inch) of any Sony phones (and other brands in the same range as well!) at 342
  • 4.3"size of 720x1280 resolution screen running on Sony's Mobile BRAVIA engine
  • Running on Android 4.0 ICS (straight from factory, upgraded from Xp.S's 2.3.7)
  • Sony Playstation-certified 
  • Easily connected with USB and HDMI ports
  • Iconic, exclusive Sony design with transparent illuminated bar at bottom (unlike Samsungs which all looks the same)

For more specs go HERE. Now for some photos of its accessories and the stuff that comes with buying the phone. I can also show the quality of the phone's back 12.1 megapixels camera, because ALL the photos below are taken with it. :D

THE BAG. I am so in love with this carrier bag! Now I know why some people keep all their designer carrier bags. You can't have a bag without buying something. And this bag is just so cool. Black and white, and the fact that it's Sony, and comes with the phone. It's an indescribable feeling, you'll have to experience it yourself. 

The other side of the BAG.
Back of outer box

Bit blur. Model number and colour

Box containing phone and its accessories

Phone name!


The inner box. 

Look how orderly and systematic everything is put inside a square box.
Car charger

Earphones, from Sony

GreenHeart Sony charger, which I've already used at the time of photo-taking

So far I'm enjoying the phone. Its crisp and clear screen is beautiful. Love the sleek pretty design with its clean sharp corners, as well as the pastel pink that softens the hard rugged look. And it's Android, so I could get a lot of applications to customise my phone. I've already downloaded some themes for it, took some photos with the awesome camera, but that's it. I'm TOO tired to do anything else today.

Here is the locker theme, which I've found an almost similar launcher theme with it.

It's very nice. The dots on the pattern moves like a heartbeat rate, AND when it's charging, the heart will fill up and show the battery percentage. It's awesome.

This is the launcher theme. Doesn't it look A LOT like the locker theme?? It's from the same source but under a different name. It looks beautiful on my pink phone with its coloured sparkles and dark background. Love it SO MUCH, I'm not gonna change it any time soon, even though I have a chocolate theme. Haha.

And here is a photo of me, using the phone's front camera, 1.3 megapixels. Doesn't it look quite clear even in a big size? ^^

I'll see what else it can do when I have more time to play with it!!


  1. What locker theme is that?

    1. Developed by ZT.Art, so search for them. I think the Launcher one is called Pink (or Red, I forgot) MusiQue there's a blue version too). I forgot what the locker is called though, but you should be able to find it through the Launcher or the developer. :)


Do let me know what you think! :)