Sunday, December 16, 2012

Beautiful Creatures: The Movie and The Cast

Beautiful Creatures is turning into a movie!

It's the first book in a series called Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, if you don't know. Read my book review of it HERE. It's scheduled to be shown on screens on 13.02.2013. And while I was pretty ecstatic about it, the excitement dwindles somewhat when I saw the cast.


(Note: I'll try not to give anything away in this post, don't want to spoil the story for those haven't yet read the book)

Here are the few characters I'm going to talk about:
Ethan Lawson Wate: The main male character in the series. Who fell in love with-
Lena Duchannes: The main female character in the series, who is a Caster and has a cousin called-
Ridley Duchannes: A Siren, a Dark Caster, and her on-off boyfriend in the series is-
Wesley Lincoln "Link": Also Ethan's best friend, and lives with his mother who is-
Mrs.Lincoln: Link's overbearing mother who tries to get Lena expelled from school, which is prevented by-
Macon Ravenwood: Lena's eccentric uncle. No one really knows much about him except-
Amarie Treadeau "Amma": Ethan's housekeeper and mother-like figure (because Ethan's mother is dead)

And here are the photos of the cast:

Ethan Lawson Wate, (Lawson because his great-great-great-grandfather is Ethan Carter Wate) the symbol of a perfect boyfriend, looks totally out! I never pictured him that way. He's too bulky. Ethan should have really good looks. And..and...this guy, Alden Whatever, just doesn't FIT. I don't mind if it's a minor character, he can even play Link, but it's ETHAN. What a disappointment. *sighs*

Lena Duchannes look okay, somewhat pretty. Not what I would expect, but suitable enough. But in my opinion she should be a little more unique kind of pretty, even intelligent-looking, because Lena isn't the shallow kind of pretty girl, she's more poetic/bookish and should look more serious.

Ridley Duchannes is a bit too old (read: mature) for the role. Her dress-up is sexy, like the Siren character, but~she ought to look a bit more pixie-ish. A bit more naughty. The actress playing her looks "bad and dangerous", but she's more like a serial killer in a thriller movie. LOL.

Link really made me laugh. I've always imagined him to be chubby, a little silly but very funny and loyal type of guy. The Link in the movie turned out to be a skinny guy with a skinny face. LOL. Obviously that didn't work for me.

The rest of the cast looks okay~maybe because they're minor characters and I didn't give much thought to how they would look like. One note, I never imagined Amma to be black though. I always thought she was somehow brown. Like having mixed blood or something. But I think she's going to work perfectly.

Next is Macon Ravenwood (I thought he was younger, dark hair and all, there was this face of an actor I imagined him to be but I couldn't think of the name of that actor). But grey hair works too, I guess. 
Update: The actor I was talking about is Christian Bale. Muahahaha. He fits my idea of Macon. Only I don't think they could get him to sign on this kind of film. Photos of Christian below too.

Christian Bale:

Especially like the third photo below. The angle of the pose makes him look exactly like the Macon Ravenwood in my mind.

And here's Mrs. Lincoln, Link's mother. She really looks the overbearing-strict-mother role. you know why I'm suddenly not that interested to watch the movie anymore. It would seriously change my whole perspective of the story...and that's not a good thought. *sighs*I googled and even found that many fans hated the movie Ethan unanimously. 
He looks absoutely "Ethan" in this picture.
I'll pick him if he looks like this all the time.
Jack O'Connell looks horrible (as Ethan), in this photo

At first the role was given to Jack O'Conell, a guy who look exactly like Ethan in the photo (above right).  

(I saw the above left photo first which looks horrible, but the above right one is EXACTLY the Ethan I 

pictured.) Then they recast for Ethan's role due to scheduling conflicts.


If I have the chance to cast the main characters! Here are 

the actors/actresses I would pick:

Ethan Lawson Wate: 

Steve R. McQueen/Jack O'Connell/Bradley James

Steven R.McQueen is a great choice. The left photo look especially

like my idea of Ethan. The ruffled hair, the boyish look, perfect.

Obviously Jack O'Connell in this look
Bradley James has the perfect golden hair.
He's much too old though. 29.

Lena Duchannes: 
Lucy Hale (Karen Lucille "Lucy" Hale)

Lucy is very beautiful, and has that intelligent, serious look perfect for Lena. And I love her curls! I guess that's how Lena's hair would curl (maybe curl even more) when she's Casting. Exactly my kind of Lena.

Ridley Duchannes: 

Ashley Greene.

I've always imagined Ridley with short hair like this. And the gold eyes are perfect. Ridley has gold eyes as she's a Dark Caster. All the photos need is a bit of sexy clothing that will turn Alice Cullen into Ridley Duchannes

Wesley Lincoln "Link": Clark Duke (left) or Josh Hutcherson (right)

I think Clark is awesome for the role. At least it's what I've imagined Link to be like. LOL. But, if he's too chubby, Josh Hutcherson might be another good choice. He's big and square and with some touchup could turn into a great Link character. Even
                                                         Alden Whatever works.

Someone from the web casted these two as Ridley and Link, and I think they could work too (at least so much better than the official cast)

Avril Lavigne as Ridley Duchannes
Zach Roerig as Wesley Lincoln "Link"

Well, at least this post has cheered me up a bit. :)  I'm ecstatic again. Haha. Let's hope Beautiful Creatures turns out to be a smashing movie, despite its funny cast.

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