Friday, August 17, 2012

Doodle Doodle

I finally decided to post again after many weeks of complete MIA (missing-in-action). I wish I do have time to blog weekly, if not daily. Blogging is a much livelier way to write. I've become so anxious on writing again and never finding enough time to do so (because when I start to write, it feels like I'm wasting time).

Due to weeks and weeks of not writing anything (not even on paper, God bless me), I've started doodling aimlessly everywhere. I start studying, then after awhile my mind wanders and I doodle fragments of brain activity wherever I could. I've never done that before.

Last time doodling means the occasional pyramid stacks of stars or spider webs with spiders hanging at a corner of a page (yuck, I know). But now it has evolved into fragments of sentences (which means I've gotta cover up my page most of the time when people walk past) =.=||||

Not secrets, but it would be embarrassing. @@ LOL.

Sign off for now,

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