Friday, February 17, 2012

Perfectionist Me

Perfectionist ME


Does that applies to me?

One of my best friends told me that I'm a perfectionist.

Because I'm always wanting things to be perfect...and cannot ever accept "anything...whatever...cincai.."


That only applies to stuff I actually WANT to do...okay....

Forced stuff will lead to me throwing everything out of the window...LOL.

But...being too much of a perfectionist isn't a good thing either...because you will get oh-so-geram at people who don't really mind lower standards of that particular thing...

So sometimes my temper explodes...

Although of course I'm improving slowly XD

Because I'm no longer a primary school secondary school and later in life, no one is gonna forgive you that easily if you make mistakes and hurt people...

 “Sometimes we strive so hard for perfection that we forget that imperfection is happiness” - Karen Nave


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