Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hello Blog!! (and my finals results...)

I changed my profile design (again)...

I can't believe that I haven't been updating my blog for SO long...><
I missed all those important occasions...zzz. Hopefully I'll post more frequently now.

New start of my blog! XD

Hmm..what is new in my life? Nothing. Everything is still the same old same improvements. 
Finals have come and was the toughest time I've had in all my life...and to think I never studied for my UPSR. Or even PMR. 

Here's my..results. Rotten...rotten...rotten.

BM: 76
BC: 70 
SJ: 85
PM: 96
Bio: 80-84...(haven't gotten back all the papers yet)
FZ: 92
KM: 81
AM: 93
MM: 86
SV: 80
PJK: 100
AK: 68 (dear God)

Oh God. Soooo lousy. I wonder if I'll get 2nd this time? Definitely hope so...I don't want another 3rd again.
Pleeease let me get a 2nd.
I sort of fainted when I saw my AM and AM is supposed to be worse than my MM...
MM was really easy this time...upset at myself when almost everyone scored 95 above. ZZZ. 
What happened to me??

But AM was great...I got 98/100 for P2...can you believe it?? Mom was satisfied..for once.
And my'll never believe this, but I got FZ as the lowest in my 3 Sciences in my 2nd exam...then KM in my 3rd exam...then now Bio in my finals. This shows how rocky my results are. 

But am so happy about my Physics...never thought could actually get a 90 something. 

Not going to rave about every subject here...but I'm happiest about:
Physics, Add Maths, Chinese essay (61/70 !!! That's like the 2nd highest in class and highest in my history), and of course my beloved English. Although teacher gave me a 47/50 for Continuous...>< hello?? I never get lower than 49/50...=(
Well it's a lesson to me: Never write another argumentative essay again. It's too factual...too hard to touch people's (AKA teacher) feelings.

That's all I think~
Till then,

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