Saturday, November 5, 2011


I love the above photo. XD looks so professional.

Sigh. What made me take stupid accounts????

I asked WQ who took it with me though we were both studying pure science...and she said she wanted to be able to do accounts in the future and don't need to depend on others. Like she knows everything about it and can detect mistakes (accidental or not) by clerks and accountants if she ever opens a business. reason isn't SO ambitious...

Partly took it because it is interesting (even though I kinda swore that I would never take accounts after PMR...the perdagangan part of Kemahiran Hidup in PMR drove me yoicks. (yoicks means crazy in the Legend of Ga'hoole. Erm it's an owl novel series)
It's challenging...and it's satisfying when I finally, finally understood the know.

And partly because I want a better chance for a's now a 10+2 system...I've already have 10 subjects including Chinese...and I can add two if my Accounts and the other subjects except Chinese get A+...then I can throw Chinese out of the window and put Accounts it would show 10A+ which is one of the requirements for a JPA scholarship anyway.
You get what I mean. >.<

WQ got 92 for the finals...=( I only got 68. I still lose to her even if I turn the numbers around. Sigh.

It's strange because she's the one careless during lessons, and I'm usually quite careful, but then she's always better in exams. Haih. What am I suppose to do?? There's still that Akaun Folio...haven't even started Jurnal..

Heard that some people are contemplating to take Perdagangan...I think they're yoicks.
Of course they wouldn't dare take Akaun...but Pdgn is comparatively much much easier than AK...
And not much calculations. 
But we all know's only to boost their faces...they wanted 11 subjects for the sake of being more than others...

Of course taking 11 subjects is fun, and impressive...and of course both me and WQ enjoyed that...but in the end it's the interest in the subject that counts, don't you think so?


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