Wednesday, June 1, 2011

2nd exam of the year

Exam fever is killing me...

The mid-year exam has come and gone. Now I can look forward to the holidays!!!

A report on my exams:

BM: Horrible...ask me 3 cara menangkap ikan secara tradisional. Hello? This is BM...not geografi...I have already thrown away geo from my brain...

BC: Ermm...first paper so I've forgotten about it...but on the whole was okay...><

BI: Fun to write but the continuous writing part was haphazard all the way. Structure sucks.

MM: Quite least better than MT.

MT: So bad...use log10 whenever cannot solve indices...XD. And I blank a few long questions so gonna cost me some pretty hefty sum of marks. Thank God teacher gave homework marks in advance (because everyone in class didn't finish MT workbook except WQ) or I'll die.

SJ: Forget about this. The objectives part was easy since we all study for the essay part and memorize until gila so the objective part was damn easy. Essay part sucks as I could only get about 3 marks for a 10-mark q.

PM: Moral was slightly harder than expected. I mean the essay part. I loaded lots of nilai into the qs even though it only ask for 2 nilai. And I use bertanggungjawab so heavily I think either the paper got prob or my brain got prob.

PJ: Haiya this one. Since I'm doing the homework (for hm marks) it's kinda easy. Only forgot how long it takes for one hockey game.

PA: Don't ask me this one, haven't done the exam yet. Hehe...I took home the paper coz my teacher no time give me and WQ do extra.

SV: Erm...this exam is a joke. Hahaha...cincai do.

FZ: P1 was a bit careless. P2 sucks and P3 was just okay. Dunno if I put directly proportional is correct or not.

KM: P1 was not bad, P2 I do until NO TIME...quite easy actually I can score well d but I don't have time carefully do the essay part so just do it very quickly. P3 was okay, draw experiment two times. ><
Bio: P2 Bio was STUPID...Can't even tell between hydrolysis and stupid can I be? I wrote hydrolysis correct d then thought meaning was the haemo one d meaning, then I change to digestion, then scared wrong so put hydrolytic process. Stupid me. 

In the end P3 came out hydrolysis=digestion. Wtf....

P1 was kinda careless.

Haiz. All in all...I'm just mediocre.

Just heard from TP that her class placings all upside down...V got first (since his maths so brilliant...F4 needs people good at maths...just look at MM MT KM FZ...)...JueJan got 2nd...she has always been good actually...KJ got 3rd...hmm..he's the only one still up there...power of love maybe? PW got could she not climb up after help from KJ right? MJ got 5th...her maths has always been quite good anyway.

TP and ZY both didn't even get top 5. O.o....

Haiz. F4 is really difficult. Those who had been good in Maths will climb up the ladder much more easily.

Since Maths is hell for me...I'll just go :(


I don't think I'm studying anything involving maths anyway.

That goes for pharmacy too.


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