Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pendang Lake Resort Stay

Wooooo I had a surprise short holiday stay!!
I was going on and on about how boring the holidays will be...
When Mom SUDDENLY announced that we would be going to a chalet resort for a one-night stay.
I don't know if it's my antennae not what it used to be or it's them not telling me. But either way, I'm going away for a stay!!!

Yup I'm delirious with eagerness because I can't remember when was the last time I stayed at a hotel. Oh yeah, Singapore, I remember now. Lol. But the point is, my parents (my dad) are home-lovers so I don't get to travel that much. That's why I jump at every chance to get out and see the world.

We went because my Dad's first batch of students (1978 graduates) from Sekolah Menengah Sains Kedah (a prestigious school at that time) had a gathering. :) 

This lake resort is in Pendang, Kedah. We took the old road instead of highway to get there. The sights were absolutely fantastic because everything is so alive and busy. I spent the time staring out of the window.

I'm sorry that I don't have any photos about the sights because the car was quite fast and pictures taken would have been blurry. Another reason why I should get a new, better camera.

I'll let the photos I've taken take over my words now~
Too small to see me clearly but I just want you to see the signboard

Trees in front of chalet

Glorious buffet~

That was a looooong time ago...

Morning lake view the cane plants behind

me again~

Lake view

Beautiful hibiscus

Two hibiscuses~


Close up of the stamen and etc

Nicest hibiscus photo!! The left is me and the right is DL. XD

Chinese Fan-shaped plants

Random photo of the marsh plants.
Had a nice stay...
Watched Ghost Town (which was kinda scary) on HBO...
And slept like a pig~
The hotel room wasn't all that great...
But at least it's a hotel room...XD

Haha. Okay, this post's done. I'm signing off.

Till then,

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