Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cutie cutie hamsters!

My cute hamsters are still very much healthy. :)

Haven't been blogging much about them, so this post is specially for them. 

Jacques is still really shy~it's difficult to catch a good photo of him...needs loads of patience. Zzz. He's more shy than his own son...lol~

Father and son
Chico is still quite young at 2 months but don't be fooled, he's growing bigger and fatter and he can run really fast. He's learning to run on the wheel and he can bite hard if he's scared.
Cute Chico

Chico on the wheel


Mysty is cuter than ever, she seems to have gotten out of depression. She was depressed after she ate her babies (that's natural actually) and I took Chico away from her. But now she doesn't run away at the sight of me, rather, she climbs the bars to have a better look at me.

Hazel sitting in her food bowl and eating
And of course, my ever-growing Hazel. She looks more like a mouse now, she's SO BIG. And long. Lol~if she's a human I guess she will have rolls of fat. Yucks I know, but doesn't she look cute as a hamster???

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