Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Second Day of New-ness

Had my first ever assembly at new school. There is one very unhappy part about it—why do we have to stand??? We had it at the basketball courts, and it was completely dry. Why can’t we sit down??? >.<

I really didn’t mean to compare but I was thinking why CHC students are allowed to sit. I mean, there’s no real difference. Does standing really show any respect? I don’t know about other schools, but in my old school, students were allowed to sit (and still are) while assembly. If the ground is wet on that day, then the prefects will try to dry it with newspapers.

Although sitting down on the ground has its bad points too, one very obvious one being your legs hurt and the blood cannot circulate after being in a folded position for a long time.

But standing causes students (at least me) to get restless and one girl even fainted on the first assembly. O.O. Nobody faints while sitting, at least after 3years of observation. Last time CHC had a case of a prefect fainting and almost falling into the drain, but that was because she was standing.

And did I mention I really hate the tables in class? The big reason: There is NO drawer!!!!!!!!!!! ZZZ. I’ve been so used to drawers that I always put my stuff inside so that I have ample space on the table itself. Not to mention rubbish too, but I seriously miss a drawer. T.T…fellow CHC students…do NOT complain your tables are TOO small any longer!

Another strange thing I found in my new school is the way everyone thinks. They have a very…how do you say…different perspective and mind compared to students in city schools. Because from here to the main city of Penang is quite a long way, people who stay here tend to coop up in here and seldom make their way down to the more urban areas. Which means that they still have the kind of quality, the kind of pureness lost in city students.

It’s true. When I first went to a city school after being at a suburban school for 4years, I was shocked to find city students minds being VERY complex. They mature much faster, and they are more exposed to more things like technology, online games and things available in this era. And now after being in the city for 5years and return to a suburban school I just find the students’ childishness WEIRD.

I mean, things that are common in the city would make those students feel self-conscious. And things that they SAY in the city would shock those students immensely. I don’t know, but in city terms, the minds of suburban students would be classified together with Primary Standard 5 or 6 students in the city.

Of course there are some students in my class who are more matured and know more things, and even if they don’t say it you can see that they have an air of maturity about them.

That is the difference of my old and new schools…and I kinda miss my friends who can talk about anything under the sun…and also the boys who can make jokes out of any topic and we’ll go lol and definitely NOT giggling self-consciously…

Till then,

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