Sunday, January 9, 2011

Back to CHC! Choir deteriorates~

First time going back to school after changing to a new school. They’re having Co-curricular Club and Society Registration Day. Heartache

What’s even more heartache is the deteriorating state of CHC choir…

I wonder why nobody wants to join? Because they’re too shy to sing? Maybe they feel that Chinese Orchestra or Band is more interesting. And the instruments become their voices. They don’t have to open their mouths and risk embarrassing themselves. That’s what is bugging them.

Went back to CHC arriving 8.40 something in the morning. Met DL, and then we went in search of JJ. Curious how everyone suddenly notices me after me being gone for a week. When you’re there all the time, all year, they don’t even stop to say hi.

This year I didn’t speak to any Form 1 at all to get them to join. Just walk around and checking out the new extension building. Looks very new. Some of the classes are used for Form6 (last time the Lower 6 students used to be nomads and study at whatever places available. Examples will be any laboratories and any classes. No proper classes). While other rooms are empty. The rooms are kind of smaller than original building classes. Land is scarce in CHC. The next step would be building something in the field. Lolz…

Saw V at the Science & Maths Club place. Didn’t recognize him at first. I only realized after walking past him. O.O

Did a performance for choir at the foyer. We sang a medley of Mamma Mia songs. Kinda self-conscious lol. But it beats having to sit in class in total silence~~~

Those Form 3s are REALLY getting on my nerves. I remember very clearly when we were Form 3 we went around asking people to join. These people just stand there and chat non-stop and look around hesitatingly and are MORE SHY than the Form 1 themselves. =.=

And they couldn’t SING Mamma Mia because they didn’t go last year’s camp. So what they COULD do is to ask people to join while WE are singing. But no! Some Form 1s walk past, stop to stare and NOBODY explain to them who are this group of people singing. Like they don’t know us and we’re singing because we feel SYOK.

Really heart-attack.

So MANY of choir members DON’T realize and/or DON’T care about the falling of choir. Some of us love choir so much we try our best to support it and find the next forms to support it as well. But this year Form 4 is the last batch of interested members. After us Choir will die. We’re hoping Form 3 will support it, but how long can they do it? Form 2 members are extinct, and so far I’ve seen less than 10 Form 1 members. And most of them leave after seeing that no friends are there.

And when choir falls, our GREAT headmaster will laugh and say “see? I told you. You’re all NOTHING.”

In my year almost every 1A and 1B students join choir because the choir teacher is our English teacher. She encouraged us to join choir and we joined so as not to let her down. Some of us left after the first year, but many stayed because we grew to like choir. She even supported choir by being there on the Registration Day and pull in Form 1 students and their parents.

But now she left choir, so what can we do? She pulls in people so that choir will still stay strong and plentiful members. And then she finds and organizes activities together with our choir instructor and deals with the headmaster and makes him agree to let us join the various activities.

Haiz. Luckily I’ll not be there to see the DOWNFALL of CHC choir.

Till then,

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